Ah, the Norway and Denmark argument for why Socialism supposedly works.
Denmark is not a Socialist country. It is a market economy. Socialism is leaking in, just as it is with the United States, a Capitalist/Market economy itself.
From a piece in The Huffington Post:
"First, a bit of history. Denmark did not become wealthy through redistribution alone, obviously. In fact, as Otto Brøns-Petersen of Denmark's Center for Political Studies recently explained, it got rich under a taxation and spending regime not that different from that of the big bad United States. Danish tax levels only took off starting in the mid-1960s--and the country's process of catching up to US wealth levels soon after came to a halt. In other words, Denmark became rich first, and only then ratcheted up its tax rates."
"Next, some perspective. Denmark still qualifies as a market economy today despite its high taxes and large welfare state for a number of important reasons. As Brøns-Petersen points out, property rights are well-protected, the currency is sound, international trade is relatively free, and the regulation of business, labour, and credit is light. There are few restrictions on hiring and firing, there's no legislated minimum wage, and taxpayers are not called upon to bail out their banks."
The Danes benefited from low taxes in order to get rich, then when they were wealthy, saw their taxes raise and start a limited welfare state. Wait another 10-20 years and you'll see what Socialism can truly due to wealthy countries.