Yes, a wage increase would be best because it should be permanent. Although, the extra money from the tax cuts should be available as long as the tax cuts are in place. I just don't see most companies being able to handle that from an accounting perspective on an ongoing basis, but I could be dead wrong about that, as I'm no bean counter.
I think the bottom line about the point I was trying to make in response to your meme was, that for some, the money did trickle down. Even though the whole trickle down theory is hard to prove or disprove, imo. If a company uses the extra money to hire more people, then it's not trickling down to all employees in the company, but just that new hire. Of course, the cynical among us would point out that the company may not be run by nice people, as my company is, and those at the top could keep the money for themselves instead of sharing it with the workers. I'm sure that happened.
Of course to be fair about your point (which I, ahem... always try to be), I should mention again that for me, this happened twice, but not since.