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The truth is only hate speech to those who hate the truth.

The truth is only hate speech to those who hate the truth. | image tagged in politics,political | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,730 views 67 upvotes Made by ChadAllen64 5 years ago in politics
7 ups, 5y,
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Especially Christians (e.g Quakers).
I'm an atheist/agnostic, but I have respect for Christianity because it can be a liberating cause. Why do you think China bans the bible?
6 ups, 5y
Yeah, the Quakers did alot.
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What the hell did the Quakers do? The first place to ban the slave trade and enforce it was the UK and the Christian Church was dead against it, themselves justifying slavery of Africans.
3 ups, 5y,
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Try looking into what the Quakers did.
0 ups, 5y
I just did, they were part of the UK movement to abolish slavery but in the US they were split. Some were fierce opponents of slavery others not so. Bit of a mixed bag, but it wasn't really their actions either side of the Atlantic that end the slave trade and slavery. Bit part players.
0 ups, 5y
The Quakers were always against slavery . The term "Underground railroad stops" were code name for "Quaker meeting houses".

The Quakers did not fight physically vs anything, they are pacifists but were probably the biggest religious group to openly be against slavery in the USA at the time..

William Penn who's name sake Pennsylvania is named for was a Quaker and abhorred slavery but he tolerated it probably because of many reasons including , at the time mother England aloud it along with other European nations, especially the Dutch..

around late 1770's? they passed the gradual abolition act and by the early 1800's there were less than 2k slaves in Pa. Many of those were "In name only"
Think of them like a title of a car, as bad as it sounds, it was to protect freed slaves and runaways from the slavers in the south..

Many times loved ones would "Purchase" enslaved family members or friends.

MY Bff's Uncle was caretaker to one of the most historic Quaker cemeteries in Pa on rt 252.
we spent many summers there and learned a lot about the Quakers.

on a side note, we accidentally set it on fire as kids with 4th of July fireworks.
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Try the LAST place.

Oh, and it was the slave TRADE, not slavery. I mean, other than in England proper with its plethora of how many slaves working them, um, thistle fields and many of its colonies like the Falklands and, um, some other places with no slaves like occupied Ireland?

LONDON was against banning that which turned it into the financial center it is to this day (2nd only to NYC), banking & insuranceflourishing on that most valuable of commodities.

But of course, England sorta banning it a few years before America absolves the fact that their the ones that introduced it to the colonies in the first place.
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2 ups, 5y,
4 replies
"The truth is that long after the Civil War, white Americans continue to carry the same set of white supremacist beliefs that governed their thoughts and actions during slavery and into the post-emancipation era.

In the South, especially, whites retained an enslaver’s mentality. They embraced sharecropping and convict leasing to control black labor in late 19th century, enacted Jim Crow laws to regulate black behavior in the early 20th century, and use racial terror to police the color line to this day.

In the North, whites also rejected racial equality. After emancipation, they refused to make abandoned and confiscated land available to freedmen because they believed that African Americans would not work without white supervision. And when African Americans began fleeing Dixie during the Great Migration, white Northerners instituted their own brand of Jim Crow, segregating neighborhoods and refusing to hire black workers on a nondiscriminatory basis.

Slavery’s legacy is white supremacy. The ideology, which rationalized bondage for 250 years, has justified the discriminatory treatment of African Americans for the 150 years since the war ended. The belief that black people are less than white people has made segregated schools acceptable, mass incarceration possible, and police violence permissible."
4 ups, 5y,
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So the Africans that sold other Africans to the world were white supremacists, got it.
0 ups, 5y
You comment has absolutely nothing to do with the argument in the original meme. The point is that there is absolutely nothing heroic about white people "freeing" slaves when they systematically profited from ruthless chattel slavery for the mass production of crops, and then went on to systematically intimidate (through public lynchings for one) and disenfranchise blacks for an entire century since the end of slavery. Interracial marriage in the USA was illegal up until the 1960s. Yes genius there was slavery in Africa. There was slavery in the Roman Empire as well. Estimated 1.5-2.4 million slaves died on the journey in the Atlantic slave trade. Yes Africans rounded up other Africans, and white people were there ready to pay for them. No dummy, the whites in America who enslaved Africans for hundreds of years rationalized this despite being a nominally "Christian" nation. If you can read the quote in context it's clear that "white supremacy" here refers to that mindset, not to a specific movement or organization. Nice try to whitewash that horrific legacy and defend a cheap meme that "whites ended slavery". It's not a matter of being pro or anti white, but looking that history straight in the eye and not blinking. It's not cliche or hyperbole to recognize the horrific history of slavery in the Western world.
3 ups, 5y,
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You appear to have quoted something (which is of course, just an opinion piece.) Why no reference?
0 ups, 5y
Wow Sherlock, you know what quote marks are used for. You need references for the history of America up the 1960s? It's very common knowledge. Don't try to discredit the material with a cheap "no reference therefore invalid opinion" schlock. You don't know what Jim Crow is? The quote goes to point and is self-evident. The attempt to paint white people as heroes for ending slavery is a disingenuous argument considering their history with slavery. Maybe try reading a book like "The Half Has Not Been Told".
1 up, 5y,
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More slaves today than at any time in human history...sold by black Muslims.
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What the f**k are you babbling on about? Chattel slavery is nearly non-existent. The slaves today are mostly economic slaves from human trafficking, and you can check where that is mostly happening on the UN website and elsewhere, it's not in Muslim-majority countries, and certainly not by "black Muslims". What drivel. You may be shocked to know that over 400,000 people in America live in modern slavery.
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Google 'open slave markets in Libya' and see how Muslims are castrating and selling Africans and take your Muslim ass kissing head out of the sand.
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What a twat you are. Who was responsible for that? White people. Libya was nearly a 1st world African nation when Hillary and the USA (under the guise of NATO "humanitarian" action) bombed the shit out of it, creating a failed state. And you have the gall to blame Muslims for that!!!! What an IGNORAMOUS! Bloody f**king mass murder of a country's leader and populace and you are twaddling on about the aftermath!
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Who was in charge of Hillary, f**kwit? And as f**ked up and stupid it was to remove Gadaffi, NO WHITE GUY MADE MUSLIMS ENSLAVE ANYONE. Stupid f**king excuse laden dipshit.

No wonder Emu's kicked the shit out of you in war.
1 up, 5y
What a sweet kid. You think Obama was in charge of the Clinton Crime Family, just because he happened to be President and she was Secretary of State? Who do you think was in charge of the gun running out of the US Embassy in Libya to send weapons to their proxy army ISIS in Syria, and tried to cover it up with a fake story about people protesting a YouTube video? Think again. Please tell me again how a local slave market cropping up in Libya after it was bombed into a FAILED STATE (no functioning government or law enforcement) somehow proves "black Muslims" are the biggest slavers of the modern world. The numbers of modern slavery are in the MILLIONS, and not to be found in Libya. As for chattel slavery, the numbers around the world are very low.

By the way, I'm white, dingus. I understand the situation from studying the history and politics of the region. You probably don't know a thing about the ethnic divisions in Libya. Riddle me this. Are Libyans black Muslims? So how are black Muslims enslaving blacks in Libya? They are not captured or enslaved people being brought to Libya for sale. They are African migrants passing through hoping to make their way to Europe. Here's something more your reading level to remedy your epic level ignorance....

"Black Africans are being sold in open-air slave markets, and it’s Hillary Clinton’s fault. But you won’t hear much about that from the news media or the foreign-policy pundits, so let me explain...."
1 up, 5y
Ironic how "white supremacy", "white privilege" and all this other Left-Wing, Democrat driven rhetoric has become suddenly so popular after 8 years of America's first black miserable failure for president. Not to mention the fact that this Left-Wing, Democrat rhetoric also happens to be rhetoric belonging to the very same political Party responsible for everything you've mentioned. You also neglect to mention black African tribes who sold their enemies to slave traders to begin with and you probably also don't know that the very first registered slave owner in our nation was a black man. Look up the name Anthony Johnson.
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That guy who wrote “amazing grace”...😉
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Who in fact was a slave trader himself, before he saw the light....
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That's what true Christianity does.
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You sound like one of those people that says, 'Islam is the religion of peace". The history of Christianity is one drenched in blood and money and as we have found out recently, global, widespread paedophilla.
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The history of acts by some Christian's are exactly that. But you're generalizing the action of some to include the belief system itself, which is just bad logic. The faith, when lived out properly, doesn't lead to any of that.
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3 replies
Which bits of the Bible are nice then? These bits....

St Paul's advice in 1 Timothy 2:12, in which the saint says: "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent."

Maybe endorsing genocide...1 Samuel 15:3: "This is what the Lord Almighty says ... 'Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.' "

This delightful Psalm 137, which celebrates this terrible revenge: "Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us / He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."

How about endorsing slavery....1 Peter 2:18: "Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel."

I guess you can cherry pick your version of your faith and leave all the nasty bits out, it is not just the Koran that has a penchant for violence!
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Based St. Paul

Yeah, slaves in Biblical times would sell themselves off as slaves to cancel debt. Nice of God to give them a day off.
0 ups, 5y
"How about endorsing slavery....1 Peter 2:18: "Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel."

This is not an enforcement of slavery, but a prescription to those within it to live their lives for Christ.

Jesus' teachings were for all, even the slave owners. When people grow in Christ, they see the value of others and these issues take care of themselves. It was Christians who founded the underground railroad and the Abolishment movement, following the teaching of Christ, to "love others as you love yourself".

Somewhere you guys have taken it upon yourselves to determine what the purpose for Christianity is and ignore it's stated goals. It's a personal relationship that changes culture and society at large by starting with the individuals. It was never intended to be a hammer designed to crush the injustices of the world, but to give those in the world peace and strength to weather those storms while slowly changing their environment from within. The fact that humans have misused scripture to further their own ends is not the fault of Scripture, but the fault of non-believers using religion against people.
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And yet none of that is taking place today...because these citations of yours are not prescriptive to all people at all times, but are limited to those who were hearing or reading at the time of their writing. They are culturally bound.

"St Paul's advice in 1 Timothy 2:12, in which the saint says: "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent."

The comment Paul makes is perfectly consistent with the culture of the day and is prescriptive for the purpose of keeping peace in the local assembly. The actions of the women in question were disruptive and preventing the larger message from getting across. The problem was erupting within the Church at Corinth.

"Maybe endorsing genocide...1 Samuel 15:3: "This is what the Lord Almighty says ... 'Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.' "

Yep. The Lord said this and expected it to be done. He didn't tell "you" or "I" to do it though. It was a command to the Hebrews at that time on how to deal with their enemies. It also was consistent with the culture and wouldn't have been a shock to the ones receiving it. It was also a 100% effective way of making sure that a future generation wouldn't rise up and go to war with you. Those within the community that weren't guilty of the horrid things this society was doing, i.e. child sacrifice, would find themselves in a better state than had they been allowed to live. The approach is pragmatic to the core, eliminating a present problem, and any possibility of a future one. The Hebrews actually failed to do this on a couple occasions and were at war with the future generations for centuries. So, while we would never do this, it was consistent for its time.

"This delightful Psalm 137, which celebrates this terrible revenge: "Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us / He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."

This us just a women lamenting what was done to her people, wishing justice on those who massacred them. How about reading the whole passage here. Babylonians had committed atrocities against the Jews during their captivity. This is just a women lamenting that fact and saying that the Jews would rejoice over the same being done to their enemies' children. There is no prescriptive act here, just mourning of someone who was entirely human.
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