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ChadAllen64 (410373)
Joined 2019-07-02
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I'm fed up with all the Democrat criminals running our justice system into the ground in politics
5 ups, 3w
I don't know considering how it's the Left who constantly idolizes domestic terrorists and thugs, canonizing them and looking to them as heroes.
More inconvenient facts Leftist lunatics ignore to their own detriment. in politics
0 ups, 6mo
Joe Biden hasn't done jack except destroy everything this national embarrassment and his loony tunes conga line for an administration touches.
Your own exaggerated beliefs and wishful thinking regarding this senile puppet are amusing given you think so highly of a man who can't even find his way off a stage after he gets done regaling the country with his speeches that are mostly incoherent and unintelligible.
Your comment says more about your own ignorance and low intelligence, betraying any semblance of credibility you're trying to poorly emulate.
Folks such as yourself are just sad useful idiots to a system that could give 2 shits less about them.
How the hell have we come to this??? in politics
4 ups, 8mo
I didn't vote for Trump when he ran.
He was a shill for Hillary as far as I was concerned.
He proved me wrong then proceeded to piss off every politician I despise in either Party.
That and their bought off and paid for media hacks (including Faux News), so no, I'm not a Republican.
You're too uneducated to even understand exactly what I mean much less all which that meaning encompasses.
Your attention span probably wont even last long enough to get through this message unless I could throw in a few sparkles and shiny things.
That's what imbeciles do tho'.
You demonstrate your total ignorance without any information, knowledge, or facts to support your argument because you have none to back up that Gatling gun mouth you apparently like shooting off to people you know nothing about.
If there were awards for Supreme Idiocy I'm sure you left wingers would have that market cornered.
How the hell have we come to this??? in politics
6 ups, 8mo
Your cognitive detachment from reality is impressive.
"Nutso right wing bubble"?
Obviously your attention span is minuscule and selective given the steady barrage of nutso we're constantly barraged with from left wing fruitcakes daily.
You can't even define what a woman is much less figuring out which bathroom you identify with, but then crazy to crazies IS normal.
It must be hell inside your head.