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ChadAllen64 (503174)
Joined 2019-07-02
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Mirror, mirror on the wall... in politics
0 ups, 2w
Thanks, man. I needed a good laugh this morning.
If that doesn't give you a case of the Mondays, nothing will in politics
0 ups, 2w
After the Democrats horrific, sub-human display during Trump's Joint Session of Congress, I'll take Cheetos-Man over the party of godless lunatics and perverts any day of the week.
Does any normal person believe anything a Nazicrats has to say anymore? Seriously? They're all full of shit! And the RINO's too! in politics
2 ups, 1mo
Yup & I made a meme pointing that out too when all these self-righteous pricks were going after Matt Gaetz.
The greatest president of the 21st century AND our lifetime! in politics
1 up, 2mo
Sounds like a mental disorder.
Seek help.
Thank you President Trump! in politics
3 ups, 4mo
Thank you!