Mackies, thanks for your honesty, and when I see your age, I understand better. I substitute taught for about a year when I couldn't find work a couple years ago, and quite frankly what is taught in schools is not fair to your generation. You have an opportunity to advance far beyond your peers if you master analysis and critical thinking. That used to be the cornerstone of education. I left a hot headed response to another meme you commented on, I apologize for that too.
Consider this
I dealt with parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion for much of my past career, and I did a lot of research on this CO2 issue. This visual should demonstrate the fallacy of the "forcing" argument which is used to attribute much more power to CO2 and methane than it merits. There is simply not enough surface area of CO2 to reflect the heat they claim it is. When I presented the number of how much CO2 has been introduced by mankind since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the present (about 8 ppm for oil- the data was easy to find- we've used just less than a trillion barrels of oil- I calculated at the highest possible CO2 emission level per barrel) and 50 ppm for coal (harder to get good data since record keeping in the 1600-1850 was not really kept). When presented with the natural consumption of CO2 by plant and algae, resulting in at most a net gain in CO2 of 5 ppm at most, I was told that plant life discerns between man made CO2 and natural CO2, which is pure BS- CO2 is CO2. When you dig deep you'll find that nature produces about 25 times the CO2 as mankind, and that nature has been adept at converting that into food and stored energy since the beginning of life millions of years ago. CO2 has been as high as 2000 ppm and life thrived then when you compare it to the fossil record. CO2 has been lower and life struggled, again as revealed in the fossil record. You'll here about the Vostok ice cores which are supposed to be an accurate measurement of CO2 and other atmospheric gases, but what you won't hear about is research that shows how gases migrate through ice (ice is not an impermeable structure) leaving a higher concentration of CO2 behind.
If nothing else, understand this- science is never settled. If it was we would believe the sun revolves around the earth, the earth is a flat disc, diseases were spread by bad gas, volcano eruptions can be stopped by sacrificing humans and all kinds of sincerely held but wrong beliefs.