I remember that one. Technically it's an optical illusion. Also could be religious imagery protected as art.
The NSFW tag looks like it's just keyworded. Mild cussing seeems to set it off.
That's all i know. *yawn*
There's no such thing as NSFW here. I posted about a hundred pics of the holocaust and other atrocities all over the place, last week.
They do what they can? They wouldn't be able to make any commitments they can keep. It's just basic internet rules. Maybe they'd ban somebody if a lynch mob forms.
I think i remember something about a purge more than a month ago, but it might just have been a seek and delete A.I.
Aaaaaah! That was intelligent and coherent! I am a people analyzer and have had you all wrong. I'm being completely rude, sorry, but I've seen nothing but garbled nonsense from you and now this. I'm intrigued.
I think it depends of the mod on. Once it took me 5 trues to get this to feature! And like you said there is a 100x worse ones out there!| imgflip.com/i/23ijel
5 ups, 7y
Anyone can flag a meme NSFW. Sometimes I think users do it to be spiteful.