So basically discrimination is okay based on certain people’s preferences. Or in simpler words, what someone decides is right and wrong. So how is that different than the “problematic religions” you keep attacking?
Who decides what is right and wrong? Who decides what is harmful? We just saw in the 2020 election that the country can’t even agree on what’s harmful. If right and wrong is up to collective humanity to decide, then there is no right and wrong. Unless one side wipes out the other and forms one world opinion. But that’s morally corrupt, and I don’t think many people rn would argue against that.
Actually consequences for your actions is not really discrimination. Discrimination is prejudicial treatment for reasons people have no control over. So being told to leave for using racial slurs is not actually discrimination. And actually, being a same sex couple is also a choice, whether this generation wants to admit it or not, and so mistreatment of same sex couples, while not always done in a decent manner, is by definition, not discrimination.
(The reason i said “not always done in a decent manner” is cause some of the things LGBT people say is discrimination against them is utter bull. Some things done to them are not okay, but they can’t tell the difference because people (especially the internet) coddle them and basically train them to be so soft that they can’t even handle other opinions. Like for example, I get hate for my religion all the time, and I could care less about other people’s opinions. I’m not going to hurl defensive insults on you for not seeing the world like I do, but i will call out BS when I see it. They on the other hand have a truckload of insults and bad characteristics to throw on you for daring to oppose them, and idk how much social media you follow, but they aren’t often very bright about how they do it. They often have low emotional security and have the “loudest roar wins the argument” philosophy. Now if I’m dealing with someone who doesn’t have any of these characteristics, I deal with them differently than I would anyone who does. And that’s not discrimination. That’s reaching out to different levels of thought. Often on here I have to argue on different intellectual levels with some people because they can’t handle too much [which isn’t an insult to them as much as it is to this gen’s eduaction system], and then other people join the discussion and act like I’m dumb bc of it. But it’s not fair to stop.)