Newsflash - I don't work for you - a fact which your demand for proof ignores. I've seen the evidence of the definitional change, myself, as has the guy you were dishonestly arguing with, originally. If you say what we both wrote was untrue - you go ahead and provide your evidence to that effect. A simple web search should provide some substance in excess of your baseless denials and groundless demands. This is commonly known outside of Biden Regime Information warfare circles (and probably within, as well, though y'all will never cop to that, publicly). I've seen several articles written witj documentary evidence included. But I don't need to waste time, going through my more than 1000 bookmarks, looking for a cite, that you'll just ignore, or dance around and try to disparage, once it's produced.
As for "[MY] speculation" - it's hardly just that. There's significant evidence from sewage samples and levels of antibodies in the population (collected by blood samples at the time of donations, I'd guess) that suggest that the official timeline is all wrong. It's analysis that's shared by the parties that were targeted for the big attack, long before it occurred, by a parallel track of research being sponsored, at the Oswald Institute of Virology, in Wuhan...
So what we have isn't so much "speculation" as it is the well-informed and highly experienced Covert Operations analysis, of not just myself, but also the Chinese Intelligence Servicedls. It's also recently been shared, by another researcher, whose name escapes me at the moment - but which I can find much more quickly, if you continue-on in this unidirectionally skeptical and obtuse manner...
Did I see correctly that you Moderate the Psychology stream, in addition to your (comments off) agit-prop work in Politics, and your participation in the narrative-and-moderation-controlled environment at PolToo? If so, to me - and this IS just speculation - that you might be akin to those APA members who assisted the CIA and Pentagon establish their Torture Program, under Barack Obama's cousin, Dick. The same organization that then tried unsuccessfully to COVER-UP their unethical and unlawful participation as accessories (at a minimum) to the Federally and Internationally recognized crime of TORTURE... Surely, this 'Sealioning' pattern of yours could be similarly construed.