One can almost hear the collective leftist response of: "First our teachers are not doing that and, second, what's wrong with them doing that, you haters!?"
Education is the foundation of society. If the government neglects education, it compromises the future of its nation. Education should train in universal culture, science, humanism, technology and critical thinking.
That's funny because I go to an LCMS-based private school and live with conservative parents. My school is conservative and Christian. I am liberal and atheist. I am also bisexual which my Christian school believes is a sin.
Crazy thought; maybe schools don't have as much of an effect on children as you think they do. Maybe people have their own ideas and opinions.
I do have kids. 2 in fact. Both boys. One is in elementary school and one is in middle school.
2 ups, 3mo
Believe me, it’s gotten that bad.
But it ain’t the teachers, it’s the phones and social media’s fault. That’s why my kids aren’t allowed to have their own smartphones till middle school at the very earliest.
They think blaming the government is a solution to their problems. Somehow it's never their fault. Also, conservatives suck as parents. (Based on my life experience)
When you realize a public education taught
your child to hate his gender & his country; FUNNY because it's true. SAD because it's child abuse
to groom & confuse children.