No like a nation wide acceptable traffic light system so every state operates the same. Instead of using black top on the interstate, a mandatory use of concrete so you can see the road at night when it rains. When the state government acts like it can use fed funds to fund private schools, that state obviously has a problem. I know of one cenero where a public school received 46000 dollars claiming they were going to use it to enhance the schools lunch menu board, they ended up using it on a score board. Plus 4 tvs hooked up to a computer wouldn't cost 46k. We have states squandering federal funds, and then we had states dish out COVID funds to nonprofits with no federal oversight because the federal government gave the state the power to make laws on how that money was spent. Guidelines can be minimpulated in the states legislature. As far as funding public schools, I know of a state that was going to take federal and public funds, and give scholarships to students who's parents wanted them in private schools. I understand having a tax credit for parents who pay for their child's education outside of public school, but to fund someone's kid personally so they can go to a religious private school is not feasible for taxpayers, and every child who needs public school funding. I guess I sparked this because I personally don't know what America is anymore. Sure it's capitalism, but yet go across state lines and the healthcare is better, or worse, prices are cheaper, or costly, access to food stamps, or medicade is different, and schools are also different , and minimum wage is also different. It's no longer a capitalist society, it's being ran like a Confederacy, and it's topped with socialism, and within that socialist aspect, we have communism because everyone is forced to pay something in towards the greater good.