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Humboldt_Squid (132135)
Joined 2024-02-20
Professional JJKposter. "Whatcha know about rollin' down in the deep?" -Masked Wolf
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Lord Business What a bunch of Hippie-dippie Baloney template

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CREEPER AW MAN in MS_memer_group
1 up, 1h
Please leave this site.
Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
1 up, 1h
Antagonize him all you want, but there's no f**king way a man running a logging company is using slave labor and hasn't been shut down and arrested yet.
Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
1 up, 1h
Also, how is stopping him going to mean anything, there's thousands like him who are making good money and helping build more houses so homeless people don't have to starve on the streets.
Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
1 up, 1h
Atleast the guy is running a successful business.