"Trump has plenty of his own mixups, slurs, and glitches"
People keep saying that, but I don't see it. And since the debate, I've been looking for it.
With Trump, I see the things I believe you're alluding to. But oddly, you're making them out to be signs of a condition far worse. Yet for Biden, the symptoms are far, far, far worse than anything Trump has shown, yet somehow you still think Joe is "mentally and physically up to the job."
Those are your words. The quote marks are correct.
"He is not continuing because many people think he will lose against trump"
And you have no problem with this, from a democracy perspective?
The will of the dem voters is just ignored and tossed aside by the party bosses? You want Pelosi, Obama, Schumer, Jeffries, et al., to decide?
How is that democracy?
I say Kamala for president, NOW! No need to wait. Your guys want to install her, so just install her.
But no, the dems want to thread the needle and not force him to resign. Not because it's best for the country, but because it's best for them in their singular mission to stop Trump.
How is that democracy?