Fortunately for them their Dem Party base are composed of non-thinkers. It's the political independents they have to sway . . . and so far -- this time around -- political independents are not blindly swallowing the endless leftist lies. I suppose part of that is that they were TOLD that Joe Biden was mentally competent and that Trump was incompetent . . . and they have SEEN and economically experienced the depths and breadth of those lies.
🤣 not if that citizens is informed by liars. Democrat leaders are proven liars and gas lighters and their ignorant base parrots it and ignores it once the truth is revealed. A pattern repeated frequently.
The context is OP is ridiculing the lefts hysteria and exaggerations about the Heritage project 2025. You chose to defend that ridiculousness. No one is going to make women walk 7 steps behind their man. Only a leftist could believe that. Unless of course their Palestinian friends get to impose Sharia Law.
Only screeching leftist exaggerators believe getting Rid of the corrupt Department of education is “Dismantling ” education. Most Students were much better off before the federal
Government stepped in and started using Politocal Objectives. We graduate barely literates who can hardly read and write now. While the world leaves our children behind in every subject.