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A_Whiter_Shade_of_Pale_Supremacy (234020)
Joined 2023-12-18
Previous username: COMMIE__________LA_________HATER
Fear Mongering is the only thing the left is good at. It certainly isn't accuracy and correctness. Don't be a Joe.
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democrat teachers Union endorse Camela Harris in politics
2 ups, 20h
They want to breed idiots so they can stay on top and position them in the future to be able to control them. Look at Biden, Harris for concrete examples.
Can't except a loss in politics
1 up, 20h
Did I stump him? What gives? Is he looking up huff post articles?
Only one month to go till we hear the most beautiful sound in the world again! in politics
3 ups, 20h
They/Them may have transitioned to a Non-anything by now.
Oh the humanity The humanity in politics
1 up, 20h
They suck you in with that vague promise. Idiots fall for it. Also so do naive little girls. Now I'm going back to making fun of adults so you have your nap now.