Yep. I get $1104 a month. Working part time the gross a person on SSDI, which has different rules than SSI, can bring in is $1370 extra from part time work.
I have frontal lobe brain damage which controls things like emotional processing and regulation among other rather important simpler, and complex, mental and emotional functions.
It’s impossible to describe what it can be like for me at times but I tried full time thinking I could manage. I was disappointingly mistaken. Anyway, because of my part time work I make to much to get food stamps and certain other non federal state assistance. I’ve learned to be incredibly wise with my money and as counterintuitive as it sounds, I’m incredibly smart and have a high IQ.
I also have certain capacities around numbers and memory that surprise others, including me.
When you’re forever to learn how to live lean and if you’re even a little intelligent you can live pretty well on what most people would consider very little money. Without me SSDI and medical benefits I’d be living in my car.
Shout out to God too because whatever that universal source energy is, it’s produced and orchestrated events, details and situations in my life, which have made it possible for me to live pretty well. Things that the finite mind has no capacity to understand.
And the Beatles had it down too because we can all use a little hemp from our friends. The key there is to be willing to give back when called upon to do so.