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a74814 (381898)
Joined 2020-02-18
I hope one day @realdonaldtrump will view my derogatory Trump memes
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it's secretly what they wanted all along in politicsTOO
3 ups, 3w
The devil offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worship, Jesus declined. Did Trump accept the same offer? I just read he refused to put his hand on the Bible during his inauguration.
something something America First in politicsTOO
4 ups, 2mo
Yep - H1B Visa holders can't quit or they will be deported.
something something America First in politicsTOO
8 ups, 2mo
From my experience working in the Tech Industry as a Software Developer, H1B Visa hires usually make half as much as an American doing the same job. Greedy companies abuse the H1B Visa program to hire cheaper foreign labor.
Anyone have this experience on imgflip? in politicsTOO
1 up, 4mo
Taking a break from imgflip.
Sadly, I think this is a very valid concern in politics