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Not Exactly Wife of the Year!

Not Exactly Wife of the Year! | The Wicked Wife of The West; Put aging husband w/ dementia 
on world stage to be ridiculed; Drugged; Confused; Scared; Elder Abuse Is Not Nice. Was It Worth It, Jill? | image tagged in politics,joe biden,jill biden,selfish,power,elder abuse | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,935 views 50 upvotes Made by vBackman 9 months ago in politics
12 ups, 9mo,
2 replies
Upvoted. In addition every leftist that parroted the 'cheap fakes' cry in regards to all the video segments accurately and honestly showing Joe Biden's physical and mental frailties is also guilty of knowingly aiding and abetting elder abuse for political party advantage.
10 ups, 9mo,
2 replies
11 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
In retrospect the thing that surprised me the most was the utter failure of whatever drug cocktail they gave Dementia Joe. Again I think it's a demonstration of just how advanced his mental and physical issues have become that nothing worked this time around.
9 ups, 8mo,
2 replies
Or.. he was sacrificed on the altar of their agenda...
6 ups, 8mo
Yes, that's possible. We will know what the DNC is planning to do with Joe after they announce it to the world and tell their voters to just "suck it up buttercups!"
0 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
... who's agenda? He made abortion illegal.
1 up, 8mo,
1 reply
Abortion wasn't made illegal. The issue was sent back to the states. Try better.
0 ups, 8mo
Yeah. He succeeded doing that when trump failed.
4 ups, 8mo
That was painful.
1 up, 8mo,
1 reply
I'm a liberal and all I have been seeing is liberals making "deep fakes" to make trump and biden kiss. I'm not even joking. Ppl are making them into omegaverese OC's and Trump is polyamorous Alpha4Alpha In a polycule with Barack Obama who is Aromantic and Biden who is trans alpha I think and uses neopronouns with that like,... erm, actually guy from prager u or something?
3 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
Right, I haven't seen any conservative produced 'Cheap Fakes' of Biden demonstrating dementia symptoms since all I've watched have been excerpts from video segments recorded by the leftist loyal Mainstream Media. Presenting unedited a segment of video in its original form is NOT a fake; no more than quoting a sourced excerpt from a document for a research paper.

True 'cheap fakes' look it because the editors are deliberately going for either exaggeration that make no sense under the circumstances or for -- as you noted -- a meming effect. Nobody is pretending those are real to begin with . . . especially when they end up on meming sites.
0 ups, 8mo
Yeah ... Nobody thinks they're fake but the ppl paid to say that.
8 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
Biden debate training video leaked
8 ups, 8mo
LOL . . . probably.
7 ups, 8mo
Matt Baker
in Washington DC
Make a complaint against Jill Biden
6 ups, 8mo
6 ups, 8mo

"We have a loser, ladies and gentlemen...this year's Whitehouse elder abuse monster loser award goes to...
4 ups, 8mo
4 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
You still think he doesn't have dementia, huh?
1 up, 8mo,
2 replies
He's old as dirt, has a stutter, allegedly had a cold, and his debate performance was sure relatively weak compared to the video of him challenging trump to the debates. Also trying to stuff answers on given topics and policy into 2 and 1 minute segments isn't exactly ideal....

But unlike the typical right wing narrative, I do think he knew who he was, where he was, and what he was doing. I'm not a doctor or anything though.

Also the OP is portraying it like Jill Biden made him do the debate and I have seen no evidence of that.

I tend to think she was just there to support him and be by his side no matter what..... Unlike a certain ex first lady........... where is she anyway? Did I miss her at the debate? 🤔
2 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
Im not a doctor either, but I know what dementia is and looks like. He has dementia. I remember not so long ago, your party talked about the 25th amendment for Donald Trump, mostly because you didn't like his politics and his personal life. So you don't think the 25th amendment applies to Joe Biden?

I'm guessing not . . .
1 up, 8mo,
2 replies
Signs of dementia is just one reason i dont think the donald is fit for office. Pathological liar, convicted felon, liable rapist, and so on.... He somehow seems to get a pass for numerous things that for anyone else would be a campaign ending dealbreaker / disqualifier.
1 up, 8mo,
2 replies
1 up, 8mo,
2 replies
This might be a first. You brought up Trump and the 25th amendment aka "being fit for office"... not me.

Of the 2 old farts who may or may not have dementia in our unprofessional opinions, I know which one I'm voting for.
1 up, 8mo
The only thing these two are fit for is a bib.
1 up, 8mo,
2 replies
Trump doesn't have dementia, Biden does. The only reason I brought up Trump was because you people with the TDS keep pretending Trump is mentally incapable of holding office. Meanwhile, Biden is stammering, gaffing, falling down, can't remember half of the shit he should be remembering...and you're claiming you have no idea if Biden has dementia. Oh, but Trump probably does...

You're pimping for a dementia -ridden Weiner who can't even dress himself. Not a good look.
0 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
The previous meme.. did you read it? Do you know what a clinician is..?

Biden has had a stutter since childhood so stammering doesnt really seem super crazy.... And ya older people do trip and fall. Doesn't necessarily mean dementia.

"can't remember half of the shit he should be"
.. source?

"can't even dress himself"
.. source?

"Pimping for"
Bro I'm just sayin' I prefer Biden.... and memes such as the OP claiming "drugged, confused, scared, elder abuse" are ridiculous and seem to be based on feelings... like so many other memes and comments.
2 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
You're just like every other fake news outlet. CNN, MSNBC, etc... "He HaS aLwAyS hAd A sTuTtEr..." No, that isn't a stutter, it's stage 3 or 4 dementia. You might think I'm stupid, but I'm not. And neither is the majority of Trump supporters. Stuttering and dementia are two very different things. The fact you're on here trying to insult my intelligence is pathetic and slightly laughable.
0 ups, 8mo
1. "No that isnt a stutter, it's stage 3 or 4 dementia."

2. "can't remember half the sh*t he's supposed to"

3. "can't dress himself"

0 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
Totally fit, as long as his desk isn't located on a sinking boat being circled by a shark,,,
1 up, 8mo,
1 reply
0 ups, 8mo

🦈 😱 🦈
1 up, 8mo
"When somebody is getting defensive about what they were never called, well then that's a projection of their own perspective,,,"

Who's getting defensive? I'm just straight up calling you a disingenuous liar. I have nothing to get defensive about and neither does Trump. We all know he cheated on his wife and we all know it was with a hooker. We also know that he's done some stupid shit in his past, but nothing he's done compared to Biden's bs. I mean, Biden literally committed surgery while in office as vice president. He openly brags about it. You go ahead and vote for that POS. You're about to be screaming at the sky again soon. 😂
0 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
1. "No that isnt a stutter, it's stage 3 or 4 dementia."

2. "can't remember half the sh*t he's supposed to"

3. "can't dress himself"


Yeah, it's called live TV and me using my eyes. Like that old talking point the left love to use... "Who are you going to believe? Us, or your lying eyes?"

Okay, you got me on the can't dress himself, since I have never been in the room while he got dressed, but judging by his inability to walk or his inability to talk or use his hands like a normal person, it isn't a stretch of the imagination to believe he can't dress himself.
1 up, 8mo,
2 replies
"No that isnt a stutter, it's stage 3 or 4 dementia"
Oh you mean like... verbal repetition? I do see verbal repetition (a sign of stage 3) in one of the 2 candidates live on TV...... but it ain't Biden. 🤐 I can give examples if you like.

"Half the sh** he's supposed to"....
I mean I've seen Biden forget stuff here and there. Half of everything sure seems like a wild exaggeration moulded to fit your narrative though.

And speaking of upholding a narrative, you seem to be admitting that your statement "can't dress himself" was an assumption, not necessarily a fact you saw with your "lying eyes"....... which to your credit is more than many others would admit.
0 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
"Sure.. like the deaths themselves.... Countless people said they "knew" the deaths were fake news. And this is despite right-wingers themselves being the ones disproportionately dying from it (the unvaxxed anyway).

No, the deaths were real, it was the countless number of auto accidents occuring and being labeled as COVID deaths. Or heart attacks being labeled as COVID deaths. CNN told you we think COVID deaths were faked? And you fell for it I see.

"Gas prices are coming down and are roughly the same price as they were 15 years ago. Not sure that can be said for anything else under the sun."

Gas prices under Donald Trump were under $2 almost the entire time. Gas prices under Biden are almost always over $3 where I live. I don't care what they were when Obama was president as it isn't relevant to what's going on now.

"Speaking of oil the whole narrative about "biden ruining our oil independence" seems to be one more completely forgotten about narrative now that the current numbers are beating the ones under trump. Funny how that works."

Bullshit. Someone who believes Biden is cognitive, our oil independence is strong, Donald Trump committed 34 felonies and the border is fine probably shouldn't be taken seriously. But it was fun. I'm tired of going back and forth.
0 ups, 8mo
"It was the countless number of auto accidents..or heart attacks being labeled as COVID deaths. CNN told you..."

CNN didn't have to tell me anything. You just said it right now.

If I say 1 million+ people died from covid in America and the right called it fake news.... and you respond by saying nuh uh it wasn't fake news, a bunch of em died but from other stuff and they falsely labeled them covid deaths......... Then that means the covid deaths (or part of them anyway) were fake news. The deaths being real deaths is a distinction without a difference.

And considering covid can cause a wide range of health problems including heart attacks, I would say ruling out heart attack deaths from covid deaths doesn't really make much sense.

The price of oil tanked under trump to less than zero... it shouldn't be exactly shocking that the price would go up as oil prices rebounded from there... And up further after Russia invaded Ukraine... And that this price increase would incentivize us to produce more.

Also..... who tf told you I think trump committed 34 felonies?
0 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
If you think Trump is less cognitive than Biden, I don't know what to tell you. You're just not paying attention. 😂 It's obvious Biden is not there and Trump is.
1 up, 8mo,
3 replies
In context of Biden allegedly "on drugs" to help his performance (as Fox News and many people here on the right said again, and again, and again...pumping out that narrative prior to the debate)
......... his debate performance sucked.

This method of propaganda was a pretty good move for them because it set the stage in their favor either way.

If he did well, they would be able to brush it off like ya so what, whatever, it's because he was on drugs. Doesn't count. Him and Hunter are on drugs. Drug addicts. BidenManBadDdD

And if he did not do well, it would seem even worse because that narrative raised expectations for him going into it. It made us EXPECT him to do well because he would allegedly be on a bunch of whatever alleged performance enhancing drugs. So when he came out and the volume of his responses was barely above a murmur it was like man even "on drugs" this guy can barely battle in this debate. BidenManBadDdD

On the other side of the narrative, in context of Biden allegedly "not even knowing who he is, where he is, what he is doing", or as you put it "is out of it" ...........his debate performance was incredible. Excellent even. But I am not sure you have actually ever met anyone actually out of it.

If the clinicians are wrong and the donald does not have signs of early dementia, and doesn't have a legit stutter like biden does to write off his own various glitches and slurring of words during speeches ... he's still a compulsive liar, a scumbag, and a convicted criminal.

I understand the right push, push, pushing mental issue allegations with Biden though.. they seem to be slowly running out of other things to rail against.

I guess they could continue trying to claim America is destroyedDdDd..... but gas prices are coming down, covid deaths are still way down (although the right never really seemed to care about that anyway "fake news" and such) , deportations are up, unemployment is still relatively low, the stock market seems to keep going up, and so on.
1 up, 8mo,
1 reply
Just bumped into this by accident.
You were saying something about it yesterday, so if you want it...
1 up, 8mo
Seems kind of interesting to me how this seems to be happening again........

I wonder if Biden will end up losing the election and then go on to be more or less fine for another 8 years.
1 up, 8mo,
1 reply
Q: Burger or Frank?
A: Yes

Can't lose when the bogus narrative encompasses opposites as possibilities!
1 up, 8mo
They slipped it to him and Fox News won't even say a PEEP about it. Cover-up confirmed!!
0 ups, 8mo,
2 replies
"I guess they could continue trying to claim America is destroyedDdDd..... but gas prices are coming down, covid deaths are still way down (although the right never really seemed to care about that anyway "fake news" and such) , deportations are up, unemployment is still relatively low, the stock market seems to keep going up, and so on."

Wow, that Kool aid must taste real good. Deportations are up? Who.told you that? I mean, up from what point? Since Biden took office? Sure. It's election year, more "deportations" means they can claim they're doing something when they really aren't. And the stupid and ill-informed eat it up. "We hate Trump so it must be true!"

The illegal border jumpers break in and they get apprehended and then released into the country. Just happened with over 40 illegals who rushed the El Paso/Mexico border. The border isn't secure and hasn't been since day one of Biden's reign.

And COVID deaths are down due to the fact it's been 4 years since COVID began. Of course they're down. If they were still the same as 2020 then I have a bunch of questions. And it isn't like we didn't care, we just knew that a lot of what they were telling us was bullshit. And it's already been proven that it was made in a lab and Fauci had something to do with it.

And gas prices are down? Again, comparing it to when? Two years ago? Yeah, two years ago gas was $3.79 a gallon where I live. In 2029 it was $1.89. So we're supposed to be glad it's $3.09 now? The Democrat's MO, cause gas prices (along with everything else) to go up $2 a gallon, then dip into the oil reserves on election year to bring it down a few cents and we're supposed to kiss their boots.

Uh huh . . .
0 ups, 8mo
"The illegal border jumpers break in and they get apprehended and then released into the country.... The border isn't secure and hasn't been since day one of Biden's reign.

🥱 Bullsh*t. You want to talk about Kool Aid, have another sip there buddy.

(To be clear I'm not saying it's secure now, I'm saying it never was and probably never will be.)

This might be a tough read for you but when trump was president roughly 50% of border apprehensions were released into the US. And that is just of the people they caught.

"it isn't like we didn't care, we just knew that a lot of what they were telling us was bullshit."

Sure.. like the deaths themselves.... Countless people said they "knew" the deaths were fake news. And this is despite right-wingers themselves being the ones disproportionately dying from it (the unvaxxed anyway).

I'm not sure that it has necessarily been proven to have come from a lab but it coming from the lab in Wuhan seems entirely possible.

Gas prices are coming down and are roughly the same price as they were 15 years ago. Not sure that can be said for anything else under the sun.

"...then dip into the oil reserves on election year to bring it down a few cents"

More bullsh*t. 🙄 The last decrease in the SPR was more than a year ago, and that level has been slowly increasing since then. Also don't forget trump was talking about draining half of the SPR when he was president... other right wingers were proposing draining it entirely. So spare me the crocodile tears over the SPR.

Speaking of oil the whole narrative about "biden ruining our oil independence" seems to be one more completely forgotten about narrative now that the current numbers are beating the ones under trump. Funny how that works.
0 ups, 8mo

Kool-Aid is still a popular selling item, so reckon it tastes good.
1 up, 8mo
2 ups, 8mo
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    The Wicked Wife of The West; Put aging husband w/ dementia on world stage to be ridiculed; Drugged; Confused; Scared; Elder Abuse Is Not Nice. Was It Worth It, Jill?