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Hypocrisy? They name is Democrat Party Leadership.

Hypocrisy?  They name is Democrat Party Leadership. | BIDEN PUTS TARIFFS ON CHINESE IMPORTS AFTER BLASTING TRUMP FOR DOING THE SAME THING. NOTHING IS EVER WRONG WHEN A LEFTIST PRESIDENT DOES IT! | image tagged in breaking news | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
753 views 42 upvotes Made by CharlesHobby1 1 month ago in politics
11 ups, 1mo,
1 reply
MORE AND MORE EACH DAY | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
10 ups, 1mo
Yep and the unhinged Left hate him for that.
9 ups, 1mo,
3 replies
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
7 ups, 1mo,
1 reply
7 ups, 1mo
Good one.
7 ups, 1mo,
2 replies
Yes I heard the anti-tariff line of talk in high school as well. I didn't buy into it back then and I never had cause to change my mind. It seemed like puerile reasoning back then and still does. Trump PROVED that when he imposed them and our economy improved. This, of course, is why Biden's handlers re-imposed the ones against China.
6 ups, 1mo,
1 reply
I'm sure Xi is fine with it as long as it helps elect Biden...
7 ups, 1mo,
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I wonder if Xi is waiting until after he sees if the DNC and colluding RINOs can cheat Trump out of the presidency again before he invades Taiwan.
6 ups, 1mo,
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It'll be a green light for him if the dems manage to steal another one for Biden.
6 ups, 1mo
Hell . . . Biden just might offer to fund China for the strike against Taiwan. He is not called Dementia Joe and the greatest foreign policy f**k up as president that the U.S.A. has ever had for nothing.
0 ups, 4w
''Trump PROVED that when he imposed them and our economy improved.''

It did? How?
6 ups, 1mo
Idiots, like Demented Joe Bribe-em, are the ones who don' t get it.

In a perfect / fair world, sure, no tariffs. But... reality.

The concept of the tariff is to make the foreign country's product more expensive relative to the US made product. Then let the consumer decide which to buy. If they want to pay more, it's on them. Not on Trump.
8 ups, 1mo,
2 replies
Constitutionally, that is how the gubmint is supposed to be financed.

If the American people want to py taxes through buying foreign goods, fine!

Overturn the income tax and let capitalism reign!
7 ups, 1mo
What? And give up encroaching Marxism or Fascism?
4 ups, 1mo,
1 reply
Well stated. You nailed it, Tom! (the beauty of that last sentence is profound!)
3 ups, 1mo
8 ups, 1mo,
3 replies
Some left winger on here was just crying about Trumps "trade war" with China. Awfully quiet on this one aren't they ? lol
6 ups, 1mo,
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Well you know what they say, "If not for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all." I hear that Trump is having that tattooed across his right buttocks.
6 ups, 1mo,
1 reply
Lol! And not his left?

6 ups, 1mo
Gotta be the right. The Left keeps redefining terms.
5 ups, 1mo
5 ups, 1mo
LOL.. I noticed that too...
4 ups, 1mo
Scroll down.
6 ups, 1mo,
1 reply
Bingo, Charles!
6 ups, 1mo
5 ups, 1mo,
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We're suffering massive inflation and so Biden raises to cost of Chinese products to help????

Did the left forget they are supposed to be the champions of the poor? Because their moronic president had done nothing but make it harder and harder to survive.

Tariffs were wrong when Trump proposed them and they wrong under Biden. The only one who benefits from tariffs is the government. They are just like taxes and have the exact same negative effect on the economy as a tax increase.
0 ups, 4w,
2 replies
Repeal the 16th amendment and impose tariffs on all imported goods.

Allow the people to decide whether they will buy American or pay the tax/tariffs.

The amendments (Bill of Rights) were first designed to protect the people from government.

Yes tariffs benefit the government that is supposed to be how it is financed.

Adam Smith would know.
0 ups, 4w
BTW I am NOT in favor of any kinds of taxes. I know that's how the government supported itself up until 1913. But now because we import everything adding tariffs on top of all of the other taxes is slavery. Already our taxes go far beyond just supporting the government. To add tariffs now just puts us farther down the road to slavery.

I agree with you on everything else.

We must repeal the 16th amendment, and I'd get rid of the 17th amendment also if that stupid Woodrow Wilson law was repealed that limited the House to just 435 members. We're just getting the representation we need.

Not only that but what idiot thought that using the amendment process to control the people was the proper use of those amendments? The Constitution and the first 10 amendments show us clearly that the Constitution was written to control the government and not the people. Amendment should only be used to establish the rights of the people. And I don't mean any of those liberal rights, those aren't rights, they're privileges. A right is a freedom that does not impose on anyone else's liberty. Women's, black, gay, etc rights are privileges because they only apply to specific groups of people. A right has to apply to everyone or it's a privilege.
0 ups, 4w,
1 reply
Tariffs worked in the early history of the nation and would've worked up until maybe about the 1950's or 60's.

But then foreign import began to flood the market. Now nearly everything we purchase comes from China.

Back when nearly everything was made in America, tariffs only caused the price of a small amount of imported goods to go up. And it was usually the stuff that only rich people could afford.

Now it is extremely hard to find American made goods. I'd say about 90% of everything we purchase comes from China. If we impose tariffs on China it will act just like a tax increase because everyone will be paying those tariffs in the cost of the products we buy.

If Adam Smith were alive today he would agree. Just because of the sheer quantity of imported goods, the only one who benefits from the tariffs we impose is the federal government. It act just like a tax increase on this tax is hidden in the cost of what we buy. It's no different than business taxes.

All taxation imposed on businesses, foreign or domestic, are passed on to the consumer.

If we made everything in America again then tariffs wouldn't be much of a problem but ALL taxation is theft and that includes tariffs.

Back in the early 30' (maybe 1928 or 9, after the stock market crash in 28) Congress passed the Smoot-Hawley act which imposed tariffs on goods from Europe. France almost went to war with us over that.
0 ups, 4w,
1 reply
Tldr. I disagree not imposing tariffs is why nothing is made in America.

There should be double tariffs on products made overseas by American owned entities.
0 ups, 4w,
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Sorry about being so wordy in this and in my previous posts.

What gave China the biggest boost is when Nixon gave China a most favored nation status. China then begin importing to the US for a lot less than American or (at that time) Japanese goods the floodgate begin to open. Nixon was a RINO, perhaps the first.

You could say that the absence of tariffs killed American manufacturing but there are also very strong arguments against that as well.

First off the problem with tariffs is that they have to be written for a specific individual item. They are not imposed on everything from one country. So to impose tariffs is extremely difficult because new products appear all of the time while other products disappear completely.

This is why Trump wasn't able to impose tariffs and why Biden won't be able to also. It would create another huge bureaucracy just to deal with all of the different products imported from China.

What we need to do is revoke China's most favored nation status and stop all imports. But before that we MUST ABSOLUTELY get a handle on the value of our currency. We MUST stop Biden from any further devaluation and devastation. There is no excuse for what he has done.

I don't know how long it would take to get us back on the gold standard but it was take longer than one 4 year term. Plus there are just too many Democrats in favor of devaluing our currency. But if we could go back to the gold standard and then cut off all economic ties with China then we might have a chance at restoring American manufacturing.

But that is just a pipe dream.

In my opinion I don't think tariffs will do anything other than cause an economic downturn. Considering how Biden has left us, any slight damage to the economy will send us into a much worse depression than the great depression and it will collapse our currency. That was Biden's goal in the first place.
0 ups, 4w,
1 reply
Even when you finally do say something right, like how China's Most Favored Nation status should be revoked, you can't help but wedging in a falsehood.

The USD has strengthened under Biden, and by design. Unlike many economic trends falsely contributed to whomever is in office when they have little, if any, impact on them, that is something that he took an active role in, namely by having the key interest rate raised.

This has been explained to you directly many a time over the last couple of years since you joined.
0 ups, 4w
I don't even know how to respond to that.
1 up, 1mo,
1 reply
You hate the single most successful electric car company on the planet? Or you hate Elon Misk because he is t a leftist?
1 up, 1mo,
1 reply
Yes I hate the biggest scam electric vehicle company because outside of range it’s set back the EV industry decades in terms of sustainability and made the EV a status symbol akin to the South Park Prius episode then cratered what market he had by shifting to tech bros…only to shift again to conservatives just cover up his sex scandal.

But no I’ve hated Elon long before his politics. Namely because he’s a scam artist, set back public transportation expansion to his own admission, set back nasas funding for god knows how many years just to have a dick measuring contest with bezos and a nepo baby cosplaying as Tony stark. His shift to the hard right didn’t make me hate him that much more than I already did.

Like did the i4 and e tron learn from the i3s mistakes and shift to focus on sustainable practices while cutting down costs? Hell no they went full tech bro made 70k cars that are something out of blade runner just to beat tesla at their own game with the only thing they kept was the modular battery system and insulation tech so they can turn on in winter unlike a Tesla.
1 up, 1mo,
2 replies
All electric cars are a scam. The entire concept is a scam. It just shifts the pollution and destruction. My guess is you hate a lot. You should try to be less hateful and envious. Might brighten your mood.
1 up, 1mo,
1 reply
My i3 works fine as a commuter car and was literally voted the most sustainable vehicle…not ev VEHICLE in its class… EVs if done right are perfectly fine but renters need better access to out door outlets so they can charge at home.

And we’ve been over this conservatives are lying through their teeth when they say they care about pollution from EVs because they happily will drive cars that struggle to get 20mpg just to feel like “men.” (Cosplay as cowboys.)

The scam I’m clearly referring to is the autopilot garbage that he’s not even legally allowed to call auto pilot thanks to the EU.
“Oh pay for full self driving now and we’ll upgrade you for free.” Hell the 2019 driver assistance on the i3 had better “autopilot” then Tesla did.

So selling a product you don’t have and haven’t even released yet…yeah idgf if a Tesla gets 180 miles I’d take a leaf because at least it doesn’t bullshit…
And don’t get me started on that death trap that is the cyber truck.
1 up, 4w,
2 replies
Yes and totally ignore the environmental impact of obtaining the minerals and materials required to make your batteries, which is substantial.
1 up, 4w,
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What part of “most sustainable vehicle” did you not read?

The i3 was predominantly made from recycled materials and 100 renewable wind energy. And yes that includes the batteries. Like i said if done RIGHT they are a net positive and contribute less to carbon emissions that are destroying the planet.

And even then i support public transportation over EvS. I just unfortunately don’t have a public transportation option in my area to commute. Scientists are also working on battery tech to minimize impact like iron phosphate batteries and solid state batteries. (Which would eliminate the Ev weight problems.)

And again conservatives are lying through their teeth when they concern troll about EVs because they don’t actually care it’s just to “own the libs.”

Meanwhile I’m on here shitting on teslas every other day and even have my own stream dedicated to pointing out how bad they are while promoting public transportation and sustainable practices.
1 up, 4w,
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Of course the old “ only I care about the planet” and “those who don’t agree with my view don’t care about anything”. You might be delusional. Conservatives have been involved in conservation for a long time. Land management practices and sustainable wildlife and forests.

The batteries were made of wind energy? No lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese? How do you think those are obtained? Wind energy? Another leftist delusion. I’m a vegetarian! While ignoring you getting those California avocados flown to New York or pretending animals aren’t killed in plant farming. You sit around smugly crowing about driving yourself electric car because it’s not convenient to use public transportation. So if it’s not convenient to you ok but if it’s not convenient for others they are bastards. Get off your self righteous virtue signaling parapet and pipe down.
1 up, 4w,
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It’s not a matter of convenience it’s 12 f**king miles with no stops anywhere between. I would have NO other means to get to my job other then drive my car there and got it USED. I have pushed for and advocated additional stops from my home and to my job but there are none and haven’t been established because of low demand and nimby push back.

Don’t pretend like I didn’t say RECYCLED MATERIALS. As in the got their metals and plastics from garbage or waste.

But let’s be real here it wouldn’t not matter if the EV was made from refracted light and ran on nothing. Conservatives have been concern trolling about co2 emissions ever since Taylor swift became of poltical relevance. Before that conservatives had been arguing it was a lie, hoax, or liberal derangement. So if co2 matters then what have you done to reduce your c02 footprint? Gave you even picked up trash while your walking?

And if doesn’t matter then shut up because it doesn’t actually matter to yall.

Lastly regarding transportation of food and co3 emissions the left have been advocating for rail expansion because they are more efficient at transportation but our current rail system is out of date and over burdened thanks to corporations.
1 up, 4w,
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I don’t believe in climate panic and impoverishing the world so people like you can feel good. Acid rain, polar ice caps will disappear and flood the world again. All while the elites buy up beach front property. Your being hoodwinked into panic and are willing to sacrifice everything to avoid what they say will happen. It never does but a lot of people get rich off it and don’t presume to preach about greedy
Corporations when they are on the same woke indoctrinated fear monger side as you. Your are their advocate. You’re not a rebel. You’re a conformist doing the bidding of corporate greed.
1 up, 4w
I’m conformist for advocating for a better bus route so I wouldn’t have to pay 350 dollars a month for a used car from an individual and insurance to get to and from work?

And how am I conformist by buying the used sustianable Ev over the newer ones that are all chasing Tesla fanboys?

When corporations want less public transportation not more so you can buy their newest model that has a minor trim adjustment?

No your no climate advocate your concern trolling just like the rest of conservatives on here who I doubt would stop to pick up a candy wrapper off the sidewalk and carry it to the trash.
0 ups, 4w,
2 replies
In keeping with the theme of the meme,,,
1 up, 4w,
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0 ups, 4w,
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Why does that look like slavery to you?
0 ups, 4w,
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0 ups, 4w
You've been here 4 years. You know I don't do links.

It's a very simple question that I asked you. I can't answer it for you. I can't do your homework for you to answer a very simple question about what you think.
1 up, 4w,
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0 ups, 4w
Looking at my profile, I see. Spoiled my surprise, shucks.

That's a bauxite mine, by the way.
0 ups, 4w,
1 reply
So you hate electric cars but like Elon because he switched some sort of side or something like that? What side was that, a rich foreigner exploiting the American taxpayer in the name of Global Warming bs to.... um.... what?
1 up, 4w,
1 reply
I don’t hate electric cars just the climate panic screechers who promote them beyond their ability to deliver. I like Elon because you and your ilk hate him.
0 ups, 4w
You hate the Elonster? Why would you do that?

I wouldn't even know who he was if it wasn't for memes made by a certain contingent of 4th Reichers who keep vacillating between him being 'bad' for whatever nonsense reason of the week or him being 'good' for whatever nonsense reason of the next week. It's like musical chairs for the Hate Klub.

The hep kidz with their celebrity worship. Figured they'd find a more viable hobby but, alas, they can't find a more worthwhile expenditure of their time.
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