Here you go:
The bible and science … because, you know,
Bats are birds Deuteronomy 14:11-18
Insects have four legs not six Leviticus 11:21-23
Hares chew their cud Deuteronomy 14:6-7
Unicorns DO exist Job 39-9-12, Psalm 29:6, Isaiah 34:7 (no re-interpreting in light of actual, real "science")
Saytrs also exist Isaiah 13:21
Men can walk on water Matthew 14:22-33
You cure skin diseases with the blood of birds (one left alive), some cedar wood, scarlet yarn and hyssop Leviticus 14
A person can survive inside a whale's (or fish's depending on which book in your bible you read) stomach for three days without oxygen while wallowing in stomach acid-- entire Book of Jonah
Dead seeds can germinate, live seeds cannot 1 Corinthians 15:36
Evil spirits are the cause of:
- Muteness Mark 9:17
- Hunched backs Luke 13:11-13
- Convulsions and seizures Mark 1:26, Matthew 12:22
- Hulk like strength Mark 5:2-13
The earth is only 6,000 to 10,000 years old (according to orally passed down and conflicting "genealogies" that were written down many centuries later)
Long hair can make you superman! Judges chapter 13 to 16
Plants were created before the sun Genesis 1:11-19
And my personal favorite: you can mate two white sheep to produce stripped offspring by making them look at stripped tree branches while they’re mating ... Genesis 30:37-42
There is no doubt, those who claim the bible supports science are brainwashed. The bible was written by middle eastern goatherding shamans and the fact that people believe it is the "word of god" today is astounding.