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Joined 2024-02-29
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Will smith tears in Random_Funny
0 ups, 1y
thanks... this Wazel just said to me on memechat "your posts about paranoia are funny and made my day". what's funny in a paranoia?
Enemies of religion in atheist
0 ups, 1y
be careful with the words please. Hannibal just explained his point of views
Loading_Memes... announcement 2 in instalation004
1 up, 1y
yeah glitches sucks... especially on Garry's mod
Will smith tears in Random_Funny
0 ups, 1y
maybe he said just an innocent thing, but you know better than me that worries and fears are painful and not funny...
Will smith tears in Random_Funny
0 ups, 1y
a mod called Wazel or something like that said to me that my posts about paranoia on the group therapy were funny... i don't really know what he meant, but it hurted me, cause these worries of mine are painful and not funny...