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sh00p_daOOP (145303)
Joined 2019-11-26
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"What are we protesting again?" in politics
0 ups, 10h
It's all so clear! How could I not have thought about that? You've opened my eyes! I was blind but now I see!
"What are we protesting again?" in politics
0 ups, 10h
Perfectly logical. How could I not have seen it before?
"What are we protesting again?" in politics
1 up, 1d
I don't think you want to go down the path where you're justifying child-rape and civilian killings.
Her handlers just need to make her STFU in politics
1 up, 2d
Israel is fighting back against genocide and the media is trying to tell us tat they're the ones committing it. We have videos of Hamas terrorists shooting and raping civilians. If that doesn't justify Israel's war against Hamas and Hezbollah, then nothing does.
We've never seen it before, we don't see it now and we may never see it again!!! Kind of like the truth from a Biden. in politics
1 up, 2d
It's obvious they're lying, right? I can't be the only one who sees that that's baloney.