"Think "Muslim Ban" 7 years ago."
The Muslim Ban???? You mean letting unvetted mostly males between the ages of 18 and 30 (ya know, army age), into this country is constitutional??? Is that what you are saying.
The Supremes have made some colossally bad rulings (Roe v Wade) and have made some great rulings (striking down Roe v Wade). When there are too many liberals on the Court then Court becomes a 2nd Legislative Branch for things that cannot get done through Congress. Which, by the way, violates both the spirit and the letter of the Constitution. But libs never care about that. They only care about getting their way, the Constitution be damned.
Where in the Constitution does it give the president the power to take money from the people to pay off student debts? Congress could legislate that but they shouldn't. It is unethical, but then went have Dems ever cared about ethics?
Just so you know, neither the Executive nor the Judicial Branches have the authority to make legislation. So when Biden, through executive orders, tried to do the job that is only entrusted to those who we have sent to the government to represent us, then it is the right and duty of the Legislative and Judicial branches to shut that down. UNFORTUNATELY, that so rarely happens. And all of that is not just the Democrats faults. If it the fault of the spineless Republicans AND the Democrats. Far too much power to legislate has been amassed by both the Executive and Judicial Branches.
The fact, as you say, that Biden found and end run around the Constitution... AGAIN, does not make it any better.
We must make the government do the will of the people again. Otherwise, we are in a dictatorship or rather an oligarchy where two branches of the government and an unresponsive Legislature make laws without any consideration for the people.
Paying off student debts is wildly irresponsible. It is a continuation of the enslaving of the American people. We work for the benefit of others while we suffer not being able to take care of our own selves. And by constantly being forced to take care of others, it only makes it harder for us to take care of ourselves. Then the Dems concoct some new spending debacle to put a band-aid on another problem they created.
This is just basic economics.
"These aren't homeless addict "do nothings" as some on the right call them"
Just because you heard one guy say this do not assume that all of us think this way.