Left: uproar about "Dreamers" whose families came through to Border Illegally - wanting them to be granted citizenship.
>>While it is unfortunate, this is not the fault of the child and so the child should not be punished. The child will only have citizenship here, not wherever it came from. In which, it goes to adoption, which has a serious backlog of children already. Push all charges as applicable to the individuals responsible without putting further strain on our already taxed adoption situation.
Righties: In an uproar because the border wasn't well protected and was allowing people to migrate illegally.
>>Not sure how you think a wall would fix that, because it won't. It's like you forget how resourceful these people are. We're in favor of security, but security that *works* Also, *who* "allowed" them to migrate illegally? No one. This is a falsehood the right keeps repeating.
Left Desires: grant these people citizenship. Biden resolution was to cancel construction.
>> I mean, it's the Christian thing to do. To welcome them here and let them take refuge from all of the crime they're forced to endure. But for some reason our christian calling as a country has suddenly changed in its views for accepting refugees.
Right Desires: A border wall to keep illegal immigration at bay. Trump build the wall.
>> Remember that time they were bypassing the wall via climbing and, simply moving the slats? Show me a wall that will actually work, be cost-effective, and not be some cheap (for all intents and purposes) tinfoil stand-in. You need a reinforced concrete wall that has a foundation deep under ground, reaching 110' feet up as the fall distance is 90-100 feet, the top of the wall should have an overhang with metal spokes (that you would use for a spike strip) pushing against the concave curvature of the wall exterior. With that said, the other issue, is that this is too expensive for that quality of a wall. Especially when most immigrants come through ports of entry - meaning they're delivered to cities.
A "We the People" approach would have been to have the Government Hire the Illegal Immigrants to Build the Wall - Receiving citizenship upon completion. But in our country - we have identity politics where stuff like that doesn't happen.
>> Identity politics is vague, you'll need to be specific with examples.
(continued in next post)