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ErrantBelle (228075)
Joined 2020-09-20
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Amy Coney Barrett Blank Notes in politics
2 ups, 3w
Very true. The bad people like to use the carrot and the stick: you can do what you're told and be rich or we can expose all your dirtiest secrets, leaving you poor, ostracized, and possibly in prison
Amy Coney Barrett Blank Notes in politics
3 ups, 3w
There are a lot of traitors sitting on the court
Amy Coney Barrett Blank Notes in politics
2 ups, 3w
She just cleared the path for the theft of billions of tax payer dollars, among other crimes
Also, as soon as she was confirmed, she started taking "book deals" AKA bribes.
She has been backstabbing us ever since.
Be Like Bill in fun
1 up, 4w
Bill is a moron
No one should ever be like Bill