Trump halted joint military exercises with SKorea and wanted to pull out of the DMZ altogether as per the request of Kim ung-un in exchange for.... nothing.
Trump pulled US troops out of northern Syria in order to allow Turkey to kill the very Kurdish soldiers who were fighting ISIL for us. This after a late night call with Erdogan, consulting no one, not military, not staff, no one. Again, in exchange for nothing.
Trump supplicated himself to Putin many a time, including live on stage in Helsinki where he said he believed his word over our own intelligence agencies, offered to turn over secret FBI files inverstigating Russia to him, as well as two American diplomats for interrogation by Russian secret police.
His first days in office he sought to overturn sanctions placed on Russia and return property conficated from them. He continously attempted to rescind further sanctions and moves against Russia throughout his term. His kow-towing has everyone believing Putin must be blackmailing him (see: Pee Pee Tape) or has some other hold, his servile behavior being bewildering in its imensity and eagerness.
Trump withdrew our troops from Iraq on the eve of the war he so desperately wanted for years with Iran, and ceased aggressions after Iran retaliated for assassinating their general for no reason, even lying about our soldiers in Iraqi barracks getting bombed by their missiles.
Trump signed over Afghanistan to the Taliban in a meeting that did not have a single member of the Afghan gov't in it.
John Bolton stated Russia was banking on Trump withdrawing the USA from NATO in 2021, after which it would waltz into Russian and whatever else it wanted to.
Capt Bone Spurs is the biggest beta cuck to have ever represented anything or anyone in America ever.