Well said, and true.
What I have discovered as interesting is the fact that these social media sites all give the users the option to block that information they find so offensive, and yet they insist on having someone else, a moderator, do it for them.
I think they realize that blocking someone because they can't handle what they are saying is a sign of weakness, and a surrender to the fact that they cannot defend their point of view, but if someone else does it for them, now it's not their fault. This has the added "benefit" of letting them believe that their position is affirmed as being correct, and they can tell themselves that they are not cowering in a bubble-wrapped echo chamber.
Apparently they do not realize that this makes them look like cowards all the more, hiding behind a moderator, and it reveals the moderators to be petty little tyrants who enjoy the control it gives them.
Liberals, in general, are miserable creatures, for the universe and reality do not comport well with their world view. They know this, no matter how loud they yell to the contrary, and so they do everything in their power to remove all reminders of this simple fact. And since they are miserable, they want everyone else to be equally miserable.