Think commie California can switch from 4% EV to 100% in 13 years? I know, you don't think this affects you as you'll drive your gas car. But wait, when the slimy politicians ban gas importation and production, as a "common sense" approach to reduce global warming, what will you do then? This is not the last step, its the first. Don't be a fool.
Democrats CANNOT control the weather. Period. But they can control your uninformed mind to believe otherwise. In the novel 1984, when O'Brian was torturing Winston, remember how he said:
"Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation -- anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it."
Sound familiar? One hysterical Sciencemoms ad on Hulu or the Roku channel makes it plain democrats are using tactics Orwell described 74 years ago! Its YOUR choice what, if, where, and how often you drive. Not a slimy liberal who thinks there are 67 genders of humans, but can't describe what a woman is. Do not grant divine powers unto people who won a populatity contest. Because they might just make you into their devil. Term limits would solve more problems in this county that 50 climate change bills.