Oh noez, that Jan 6th later that evening?
If you leftists don't like hypocrisy, then maybe don't do it then maybe?
But then you DO. Like hypocrisy, that is. It's what frames your faux ideology and temp cause of the day. It's the only way to keep your mirror from shattering into infinitesimally small grains. It's how you hate America but try to save face. It's why you hate life.
The ability to alter stances on a dime, no logic or foundation need apply.
Is the elitist socialist greener, Elon, still hip today? Or is he back on the shit list now that his deal/publicity stunt is, well, offline? What cute celeb becomes the cause next week? [heh heh, see what I did there?]
The best part of your hypocrisy is that in the end, it won't matter, forgotten to errant winds, whispier than dust, blown away. Only the mirror remains... with left nothing in it,,,