Disarming every legal gun owner in the USA would not stop active shooters. Spending billions of dollars to kill people overseas doesn't stop active shooters here at home. Allowing the people that murder 1.5 million American babies a year to play the moral high ground card with fake claims of caring for children will not stop active shooters. Electing people with hatred for traditional American values, the police, military and conservatives will not stop active shooters. Teaching American to hate everyone that doesn't follow their political party will not stop active shooters. All your anger, advice, memes and BS will not stop active shooters.
The only thing that will even have a small chance is elect people smart enough to attack the problem everywhere at once. Teach tolerance, real tolerance, common sense, values, pride in the country, harden schools, electric locks, cameras that send pictures straight to law enforcement, lock down drills, refund the police, secure the border, crack down hard on criminals and stop blaming inanimate objects all could help stop active shooters