I tried making this hours ago, wnet for improvements after it messed up at one point, then I accidentally made it for someone else piping in.
Yah, yah, Nazi is for short Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, National Socialist German Workers Party in English.
Claiming Socialism was co-opted by Marxists/Communists which in turn he viewed as a Globalist AKA Zionist plot to take over the world, his turning towards Fascism as an influence on Nazism with its Nationalist anti-Globalist bent, his Corporatism vs Communism stance, putting Socialists and Communists in concentration camps, going to war against the USSR, his disdain for what you claimed he stood for as expressed in his own words in my meme, Night of the Long Knives - in which the Socialist Brownshirt arm of the Nazi party was expunged via death - and more stand at odds with your erroneous assertion.
The Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei were about as Socialist as China or North Korea are Democracies or Republics, or us, for that matter.