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Marhew (300657)
Joined 2015-01-14
Truth, Justice and the "American Way".
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Question Rage Face in atheist
1 up, 9mo
Ok. thanks for the help. I yield to your flawless logic. I'll watch as the JWST dismantles the "established science" of the Big Bang Theory and "open mindedly" refuse to consider the possibility of a Creator. I'll cast aside "superstitious" ideas that it's impossible for the laws of nature and of Science to be in conflict since they both come from the same source.
I've always trusted that Science will lead us to Truth, but now I understand that Truth must not have any trace of Deity in it. That wouldn't be "scientific"! Have a great night. Thanks for the discussion.
Question Rage Face in atheist
1 up, 9mo
Ok, sure. The universe is inside of another eternally existing, unexplainable thing, which no one can observe and for which there is no scientific evidence. (Faith required). Scientifically testing the odds of the genome of an amoeba assembling itself by random chance should be proof enough of intelligent design. (impossible odds)
The Scientific Method of the atheist: "I don't believe in a Creator, I know there is no evidence that will ever lead to a Creator, if the evidence indicates a Creator, there must be an unknown explanation other than a Creator, therefore there is no Creator." Success! (So you've got that going for you.) Good luck!
Question Rage Face in atheist
1 up, 9mo
Yes, evidence like where did all the matter and energy come from? We know now there's not nearly enough matter in the universe for a "big crunch" and perpetual "big bangs" like atheists hoped for. The universe will end. Therefore it must have had a beginning.
Question Rage Face in atheist
1 up, 9mo
So you have no problem believing matter and energy are eternal, with no beginning, but there couldn't be an eternal God, with no beginning, who created the matter and energy? All you've done is re-label God as "matter and energy". In either case, faith is required.
Change My Mind in atheist
0 ups, 10mo
Jesus promised "I will never leave you nor forsake you." The good shepherd doesn't go around losing sheep. If you were truly a born again Christian, then you still are. If a soldier walks away from the military, is he no longer a soldier? No, he is still a soldier, just a very naughty one who will be disciplined. Someday, when Jesus welcomes you home, you will realize what a living testimony you were of God's Grace, Mercy and Patience. "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will NOT impute sin." God's promises are sure and unchanging, whether you like it or not.