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A bad idea can only survive when you censor dissenting views

1,274 views 73 upvotes Made by Perspicacity 3 years ago in politics
4 ups, 3y
yep this one's going in my cringe compilation | FAX | image tagged in yep this one's going in my cringe compilation | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
6 ups, 3y
I love the smell of napalm in the morning | THIS IS THE HILL WE DIE ON BOYS. LET'S SEND THOSE CRATS TO HELL. | image tagged in i love the smell of napalm in the morning | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2 ups, 3y
Yeah, the US isn’t a democracy, it’s a constitutional republic. There is a difference.
3 ups, 3y
Jan 6th was a real danger to our Republic. And the stimulus checks from trump are Socialism. along with the bailouts to the farmers. and the subsidies to the oil and nat gas industries.
1 up, 3y,
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And what's bad with Democratic Socialism if Denmark, the happiest country, has it?
0 ups, 3y,
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If that is the form of government they want, that is fine. the U.S. is a Republic and that is what I want to keep.
1 up, 3y
Democratic Socialism is an ECONOMIC model, not a government one!
0 ups, 3y,
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So let me ask you, how would you scale up and implement the Nordic Model, what you've mistakenly called Democratic Socialism, in a country the size of ours?

I believe there are so many problems that it just wouldn't work here. But for openers, let me toss you a softball. How are you going to get doctors and other medical professionals on board with limiting their incomes by working for state controlled health care? You do realize of course, the only way they can keep health care costs relatively low is to control healthcare 100%, right?

And the tax rates... Using round numbers for the US, let's say a person makes $100K per year. A country like Sweden will tax the individual at something like 55% or 60%. They also tax the employer at a similar rate for what they pay their employees. So for every person making $100K, the govt gets around $110K to $120K per year. Not a bad scheme if you're the govt and can get away with it!

So yeah, the Nordic govts have a lot of money to spend on wonderful programs. The key though, imo, is that they don't spend that money like drunken sailors on shore leave, which is the way our govt spends money. They spend their money responsibly. Can you imagine the drunken spending spree libtards in our govt would go on if they had the kind of money the Nordic model would generate here in the US?

And Norway, omg! Talk about hypocrisy! They've got around $1.2 trillion (yes, TRILLION) dollars sitting in a reserve fund from selling fossil fuels, all while they proceed with their plan to ban autos powered by internal combustion engines as soon as 2025, and ban all ICE sometime shortly thereafter.
1 up, 3y,
2 replies
Under the Biden presidency, debt has gone down, not up. And yeah, they made money on oil, not saying that's a good thing, never did. It's possible, we just have to TAX OUR RICH MORE. That's the key, yet you don't want to.
0 ups, 3y
"Under the Biden presidency, debt has gone down, not up."

I guess willful ignorance is in play with that comment. Check the numbers again, but this time against pre-pandemic deficits. Anyone with an ounce of objectivity realizes that the Biden administration (controlled by only God knows who) is in favor of spending, period. Spend, spend, spend... even money we don't have. Spend like a drunken sailor! That should be their campaign slogan for when they roll old Dementia Joe out to run again in 2024.

I'm against heavy taxes for everyone, and yes that means the rich (even though I'm far from rich myself...) What I don't believe is the made up concept of the rich paying their 'fair share' when those who make that claim believe the fair share is a higher percentage of their income than others. So if we have to have taxes, I'd be for a flat tax rate so the rich do pay their fair share, meaning the same rate as everyone else. And before you get your panty all wadded up, I'm also for closing out all the loopholes that bought and paid for politicians from both parties have 'liberally' planted in our tax code. Just doing that would level the playing field greatly.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Oh, almost forgot to point out, you completely avoided answering the question I asked. Why am I not surprised? I guess it was a bit much for you to handle...

When someone refuses to answer a question, it's almost always a sign that the person either doesn't have the conviction to back up what they said, or they don't have the facts. Although tbf, usually the two go hand in hand.
0 ups, 3y
What question did I avoid?
6 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Sorry, but while the mods may not like it, a lot of what is on your list is free speech according to the Consitution and SCOTUS.

While we personally may not like it, Spam, bots, medical misinformation, doxing, neo-nazis, extreme bigots, holocaust denial, fascists, suicide taunts, communists, state-sponsored propaganda, and even posting instructions for making a bomb are protected free speech under the law.

I will also add that fat-shaming, saying the left are socialists, calling somebody retarded, and refusing to use made-up pronouns, are also free speech.

That is why giving people the authority to censor speech based on their feelings and not the law is a bad thing and threatens the Constitution.
3 ups, 3y,
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The government won’t stop you from retweeting a Russian propaganda segment that tells 1000+ lies about Ukraine in the space of an hour — but, if you threaten to kill someone on social media or publish instructions for making bombs, that might attract interest from the FBI. (Unless the platform takes it down first, which honestly, they should, because illegal stuff happening out in the open on a platform has a way of implicating the platform itself.)

See: 8Chan, the mass shooters connected to the platform, and the site’s loss of a web host

There are levels to this.
2 ups, 3y
Instead of putting all your effort into stopping people from conspiring, because they will no matter what, how about you put effort into reforming the judeo-christian society?
3 ups, 3y,
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All those are allowed on social media.
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Most things on this list would be taken down on a properly-moderated forum, some of it is outright illegal, all of it questionable
3 ups, 3y,
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Yep, but its all allowed on social media.
3 ups, 3y,
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No, not all. Child porn, for one.
3 ups, 3y,
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Yes, it is. Please do some research.
1 up, 3y,
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You’re saying child porn is allowed on social media even though it’s literally illegal. Yep, I’m going to need a citation for that
1 up, 3y,
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Yes, go look it up. People find it all the time and law enforcement shuts it down when they find it, social media doesn't care at all.
0 ups, 3y,
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“Look it up!” Gawd.

FB removed 50+ million such images in the first 3 quarters of 2021 alone…

Welcome to the world of content moderation. It’s a daily and indeed minute-by-minute struggle for social media companies to contain the most vile crap the internet has to offer, and that includes even much smaller platforms like Imgflip.

I know y’all have an axe to grind against “big tech” but your assertion social media companies don’t care about it is simply false. Lol. If they weren’t taking care of it, you’d know.
0 ups, 3y
How many of those were at the request of law enforcement? People report it all the time to the platform, they do nothing until law enforcement steroids in.
2 ups, 3y
On your vision of a properly-moderated forum. I just don't share your vision. Only illegal things should be censored.
2 ups, 3y
Didn't we already discover that you yourself are guilty of a number of these things on your list?

Didn't you block me from commenting on your sleazy streams because the similarity to some of these egregious behaviors to what you post there is impossible to miss?

Have you no shame?
1 up, 3y
All of that is allowed. Most of it is frowned upon, but none of it is illegal.
9 ups, 3y
The sheep voted for Biden.
3 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Stan- you have to try to do better. I never get to see your "pearls of wisdom" because they are hidden behind down votes. You are a scholar of enormous, monumental magnitude- a legend in our time.

Seriously- if you were more brilliant than you are right now, you would be a potato.
0 ups, 3y,
3 replies
thanks, i have to learn to accept what comes out of fat donnies mouth is always the truth. I have to get over needing facts to draw conclusions, i need to get over what my eyes and ears here and just do what AON, Fox, Q, and others tell me to do. Someday i will be at your level.
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
"thanks, [sic] i [sic] have to learn to accept what comes out of fat donnies [sic] mouth is always the truth. I have to get over needing facts to draw conclusions, i [sic] need to get over what my eyes [sic] and ears here [sic] and just do what AON [sic], Fox, Q, and others tell me to do. Someday i [sic] will be at your level."

Believing what Donald Trump says is a much surer bet than the Fake News™ and/or fake teachers have to say, you can be certain of that!

btw- "Fat shaming" someone is very intolerant and bigoted of you.

Liberals don't concern themselves with facts, else they would not be liberals.

Eyes see, they do not "here" [sic]. I knew liberals struggled with basic biology, but this is a new one.

No real Conservative truly follows "AON, Fox, [or] Q" [sic], but you do let others tell you what to do, what to think, and what to say. Liberals, unable to truly think logically and critically, have their empty heads filled in liberal dominated school systems, as well as Hollywood, only to go on to be told what to think by CNN/MSNBC/and all the rest of the liberal, Fake News™ outlets.

Based on your current trajectory, you will, sadly, never be on my "level". One of the dominating characteristics of a liberal is that they go along with the crowd, based on what a liberal education and liberal Media tells them the "in crowd" is. In truth, there is no "safety in numbers".

“Enter through the narrow gate.
For wide is the gate
and broad is the road that leads to destruction,
and many enter through it.
But small is the Gate
and narrow the Road that leads to life,
and only a few find it."

-Matthew 7:13-14
1 up, 3y,
2 replies
ah how about this:
\Thank You Dementia donnie for:
Building that free wall that Mexico paid for
for day one repealing and replacing obama care
for locking up hilary for not keeping top secret docs safe
Who is Matt and why did it take him just a minute to write that crap? is that am or pm?
1 up, 3y
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
"Who is Matt and why did it take him just a minute to write that crap? is that am or pm?"

Yet another fool, based on the definition of a fool that God gives us, laughing all the way to Hell. Yuck it up, charcoal briquette! ;)
1 up, 3y
Did the Zombie come back on easter this year, or will it be next year? I want to look busy when he arrives. Matt seems like kind of a slow kid? Did he live in the belly of a whale too? How does that even work?
1 up, 3y
2 ups, 3y,
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I wonder if you are able to at least discern the difference between and infantile response, such as you typically post, and a reasoned, thoughtful, intelligent, informed response.

Maybe one day the difference will matter to you . . .
1 up, 3y,
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I'll wait for you to provide a thoughtful response, towing the CULT45 line shows someone who lacks the ability to make rational decisions and comments based on facts and not hurt feelings
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
"I'll wait for you to provide a thoughtful response . . . "

A thoughtful response to what? Thus far, you have posted nothing more than insane ramblings that are less meaningful than the average banter found on any Grade School playground. But nice work trying to look a little more intelligent by using capitalization and commas!

A+ for form, F- for being a moral human being.
And I give you Extra Credit for using Projection!

Now, have I fulfilled my purpose for you today? I can tell you are a very lonely person, which is honestly sad to see given your young age.
1 up, 3y,
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I could water my lawn with your hurt feeling tears.
3 ups, 3y,
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"I could water my lawn with your hurt feeling tears."

It is really sad, from a human perspective, to see just how desperate you are to be relevant by any means possible. In the instances here on imgflip, you do your best to be annoying just so people will respond, thus giving your sad life some meaning.

No doubt, you are just projecting again, but seriously, you have to be friendly to have friends. And spend less time on this site- I am sure there are real people out there somewhere who will be your friend.
0 ups, 3y,
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the fact you copy and paste what i write shows how freely i live your head.
Shouldnt you be on the Truth Social site with the other 100 people?
YOUR GED is showing
3 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Gadzooks- you really aren't very bright at all, are you?

I copy/paste so you know which of your many slobberings I am responding to.

But this, "shows how freely i live your head" is precisely what I meant when I said that you are desperately seeking relevance by what you do here. You wish people here thought that much about you.

As for having a GED, while not true given that I graduated, there is still nothing wrong with anyone that completes their education that way. That people have the courage and ambition to better themselves is commendable, and hardly a reason to slander them.

You are a good liberal- a bigot and a hypocrite.

And LOOK- I paid attention to you again! This must be a banner day for you.
0 ups, 3y
1 up, 3y
Does it hurt to be so wrong, so often?
1 up, 3y
1 up, 3y,
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I have a friend that claims he is very rich, he says that he is richer than me, but he steals from a veteran charity. Is that ok, since he is rich? asking for a friend
3 ups, 3y,
1 reply
"I have a friend that claims he is very rich, he says that he is richer than me, but he steals from a veteran charity. Is that ok, since he is rich? asking for a friend"

OK, so no way this is true. Your first mistake was saying, "I have a friend".
0 ups, 3y
stealing good? support thieves- is that godly? or is that one of those deadly ones where your vengeful master strikes you down?
1 up, 3y
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