It's 90% effective. And it drops rapidly after the first 3 years.
It's still considered the deadliest vaccine to date. For every 1 million people vaccinated, 72 will suffer serious complications, and at least one will die.
Oh, and you can infect an unvacinated person with smallpox if you get the vaccine.
If you itch the injection site and any of the scabs come off, you can get smallpox from the scab. If an unvaxxed person comes in contact with that scab....well, you can figure it out.
The MMR vaccines are delivered in stages separated by years. In adults, it's at least 28 days between the shots.
No vaccine in history has promised you 100% effectiveness for all time. Not one.
Sure, but most will prevent you from getting it at least 75% of the time. Based on my observations of my vaccinated family and friends, I would say it's way less than 50% effective. They claim it "lessens the severity" but there no way to really measure that.
Sometimes medicines just don't work out, despite initial trails seeming promising, so I'm not claiming a conspiracy, yet. The problem it that in spite of it's low effectiveness, they are still pushing for mandates.
It's questionable that a drug this ineffective is even still on the market. It's utter insanity to talk of pushing it onto people who don't want it.
First, I am sorry that your family has been infected by this virus, but it sounds like they've all survived. I am glad that's the case.
However, your observation does not equal science. the Vaccine is working.
This is information from the State of Texas. A red state. as you can clearly see, those with vaccinations are infected at a significantly lower rate. (yes, I agree it looks like they drew it in MS Paint). You can verify this information here:
**The statistically significant and overwhelmingly positive causal impact after vaccine deployment on the dependent variables total deaths and total cases per million should be highly worrisome for policy makers. They indicate a marked increase in both COVID-19 related cases and death due directly to a vaccine deployment that was originally sold to the public as the “key to gain back our freedoms.”**
Cue the insane liberals with their hair on fire defending the vaccines in 3... 2...1...
Okay, reading the study as linked from stevekirsh's site:
Research Question 1:
Specific: Does the ‘beginning of COVID-19 gene therapy injections’ (X) have any statistically significant
causal effect in decreasing or increasing total deaths per million (y1) or total cases per million (y2) associated with COVID-19?
AAAAAAndddddd we're done.
The vaccine is not a "gene therapy injection." This "study" fails at the very beginning with flawed questions due to a clearly flawed understanding of the vaccine.
But... he also failed to account for confounding factors like variants. He assumed the spread based on the original version of Covid. He didn't take in account variants like Delta and certainly not Omicron.
He also didn't distinguish between the 2 populations- vaccinated and unvaccinated. He didn't track which deaths went to which population.
At it's finest,this study is deeply flawed. At its worst, it's flat out wrong.
Which is why the Surgeon General suspended all 8 polio vaccines 4 weeks after they went public because 11 people with the vaccine died from polio and hundreds more where paralyzed