Try Buddhism. Much better deal. None of the insanity your talking about, although Buddhism will make Christian’s better Christian’s, Jews better Jews, etc.
i practice with a Catholic priest who is still preaching on Sundays. He’s also a practitioner of the Buddhist path which ultimately is a science of the mind, in each practitioner, their own mind.
Purely about waking up from the endless delusions to become kinder, more compassionate, more loving and understanding etc.
Supposed to be what and worthy church or synagogue is teaching but instead it’s about gettin that money, guilt, shame for being human and just guilt and shame in general.
I don’t know of any churches currently that are spreading the real message of the Christ, but I also haven’t been to church in a few years so I don’t know what they’re babbling about these days.
Prolly “give money so god will bless you” and “ don’t forget you’re an abomination. You are guilty shameful shit bag in the eyes of the Lord. To be free, really dig deep and pay your way to salvation even though you’re gonna burn in hell for eternity anyway, because god loves you.”
That’s the message I remember.
You have good points. Life is hard for everyone, every generation. Coming to earth and pretending to be human is hard for everyone.
Imagine if there’s no one to blame for anything and life just happens the way it happens?
What if no one is at fault and everyone is just doing and has always just done, the best we can with what we know at the time?
That’s a stretch for most minds because ego ALWAYS wants to blame someone or something outside of ourselves for our lives. Especially if it can blame “groups” of people.
A good example is Hitler. Hitler was just a man saying words at a podium. He was not the cause of the atrocities.He did however have to have millions of willing followers to go along.
It take a village to raise a baby, it also takes a village to commit a genocide. Nazi Germany was mild compared to the non stop for 244+ years Americans have been murdering people, Stalin was a good one too with 45 million dead.
The Native American genocide is another. Pol pot was a travesty. So much killing for money, power, resources and greed.
For Americans war is what we do best. We are the kings of genocide to be sure but hey, gotta be the best at something I guess.
Who f’n knows. And the works goes on without even blinking no matter how many Genocides there are, and no matter what else