Seemed to be a populist with more of the same. A reality tv-star overshooting his ability as a politician and influencer at best.
At worst, a puppet for the last person in the room. Including but not limited to Democrats, Republicans, Kim Jung Un, and Putin.
Fortunately, he was mostly a Republican talking point figurehead. Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence really reigned him in otherwise in addition to thinking he was friends with Kim Jung Un and Putin, believing Putin over our own intelligence, and essentially revoking key parts of the second amendment to curry favor with Democrats. I don’t know who stopped him from that last part but that was a very embarrassing week his first year in office.
His last year was no better when he tried to sell election fraud as merely a political maneuver in an attempt to subvert his constitutional powers, or through other people, to remain in office…
I’d say he was worse than the conventionally in-for-profit and in-for-life politicians. He tried and failed to be more of the same but with a more modern take and more pizzazz. Entertaining, sure but hardly a practical and progressive (small p) politician.