You think nazi ideology is right-wing? I've got news for you cupcake, the nazi playbook is being followed, to the letter, by left-wingers.
Let's see what we have:
Take away guns.
Silence those who disagree with you.
Intimidate and/or assault those who disagree with you.
Control the media.
Indoctrinate the youth with propaganda.
Teach Critical Race Theory.
Blame one demographic for all the world's problems. (White males = Jews, except now Jews are being openly targeted again too.)
Rampant anti-semitism.
Advocate restricting and detaining that one demographic to designated times/locations.
Advocate segregation and anti-miscegenation.
Maintain a good relationship with Islam. (Which reinforces the aforementioned anti-semitism.)
And lastly (for now), do it all in the name of "socialism".
Did I forget anything?