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Democrats are the KKK

Democrats are the KKK | image tagged in racists | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
876 views 73 upvotes Made by anonymous 3 years ago in politics
6 ups, 3y
Also 'Dunce Hat'.
8 ups, 3y,
2 replies
This Morgan Freeman | TRUE | image tagged in this morgan freeman | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1 up, 3y,
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Trump and David Duke | image tagged in trump and david duke | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
0 ups, 3y,
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“David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years,” Trump said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK,” Trump added. “Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now.”- Donald Trump, on David Duke, from a CNN article.

Huge FAIL!!!! What else ya got??? SMH LOL
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made w/ Imgflip meme maker
After how many WEEKS of refusing to do so before caving in to pressure even from his handlers within the campaign, oh ROLF SMH one?
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1 up, 3y
A Blue State in the Yankee North, of course...
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Even the "people of colour" that live in Harrison, AR are "racist", just because they live there???

Man, that seems kinda intolerant. SMH
1 up, 3y,
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Mighty defensive of Harrison, AR, huh?

"people of colour"?
Where you from, ROLF SMH?
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Which is NOT in the USA.

NOTE TO SELF: Create app to translate Britspeak into American so these shills won't keep making such daft errors whilst pretending to be 'Murican.
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So, you think because I use the English spelling of words, it means that I am not an American citizen???

Man, that seems kind of bigoted; but I wouldn't expect any less from your ilk. SMH
1 up, 3y
Yeah, ROLF SMH, we 'Muricans and our wall n shit.
0 ups, 3y,
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Not quick enough for you, eh???

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That's ok, I'm sure you have a reasonable excuse for not replying for over 4 hrs, ROLF SMH.
0 ups, 3y,
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Sorry, the important stuff called "life" got in the way.
Its more important for me to take care of the important stuff in mine and my wife's life than it is to try and reason online with the unreasonable!!!

Sorry if my response wasn't as fast as you required. I know timing is real important to your ilk!!!
1 up, 3y
My reply was to YOURS.
You can scroll up two and read it.
5 ups, 3y,
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Yes it is
7 ups, 3y
Rescinding the 1776 commission was just one of a gazillion stupid things Biden's puppet masters have done.

It was created by Trump to combat the 1619 Project's fiction. The 1619 Project is not based on any historical facts. It's a complete work of fiction that was meant to compliment the Marxist Critical Race Theory.
4 ups, 3y
Perfect example. The 1776 project didn’t teach racial hate and racism like the 1619 project did. If he cancelled the 1619 project you would have one example.
5 ups, 3y
The Democrat liberal plantation is alive and well, funded over the years by trillions in taxpayer money.
The cost in human misery is incalculable.
3 ups, 3y
There is only 1 party that cares about racial tribalism. They always have.
3 ups, 3y
Seal of Approval - Upvoted!
5 ups, 3y
There is no one party that perpetuates all of the racism. There tends to be a LOT of racist conservatives though.
2 ups, 3y,
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Democrats, yes. Liberals, no.
0 ups, 3y
It's honestly getting hard to tell the difference these days!!!
6 ups, 3y,
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Have you heard of Stockholm syndrome? I'm not big on using wikis as a source for citation but... here you go:
2 ups, 3y
0 ups, 3y
Quite literally... yes... that is what I'm saying.

Though I'm not talking about EVERY black person. Some of us understand that people can be enslaved by force... or through economic policies that make them dependent upon a person. Like a drug dealer... but the drug is food, drink and housing.
9 ups, 3y,
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Ever hear of Patty Hearst?
2 ups, 3y
Even back when it was happening everyone knew Patty Hearst was just a bored entitled rich girl who was slumming it because being just a Hippie smoking pot to the Doors wasn't enough.
To cover for her and her family's reputation, the excuse was that she was forced then later (after that bank robbery where she didn't quite looked tooooo forced, etc) it was that she was Stockholmed.
6 ups, 3y,
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Stockholm syndrome is a medically recognized diagnosis. Stop denying science and spreading false misinformation
4 ups, 3y
It is a recognized coping mechanism for people in abusive relationships and hostage situations. There were 3 other people in the bank with Enmark. They were held hostage for days and once released they refused to testify against their captors and raised money for their defense. There are a myriad of examples.

Symptoms of Stockholm syndrome

1)The victim develops positive feelings toward the person holding them captive or abusing them.

2) The victim develops negative feelings toward police, authority figures, or anyone who might be trying to help them get away from their captor. They may even refuse to cooperate against their captor.

3) The victim begins to perceive their captor’s humanity and believe they have the same goals and values.
0 ups, 3y,
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LOL. Calm down Bob. Get "slack"!!!
1 up, 3y
0 ups, 3y
No... it isn't. It may have been incorrectly applied to a certain situation but Stockholm syndrome is a well documented phenomenon in the field of psychology that has been observed/documented repeatedly and under similar circumstances. That's like saying PTSD is a myth invented to discredit women victims of violence. It may have been in some niche case but that doesn't make PTSD not real either.

I hate to choose between the pseudo sciences but I'll take psychology rhetoric which at least bases their theories on the scientific method at least... rather than gender studies rhetoric which bases their theories on... actually, that varies and is supremely unclear what they base their theories on... it's often an amalgamation of tenuous supposition and fancy language that most often amounts to a garbled mess.
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Based on what?
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That's fair enough, it does have really problematic origins though and has been used to discredit women.
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1 up, 3y
I agree that that behavior is a coping mechanism rather than a psychological diagnosis. According to an FBI study, the behavior only occurs in 8% of hostage victims. It just feels like it's one of these things that the Right misunderstands and then tries to weaponize like people being emotionally triggered.
6 ups, 3y,
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Prior to LBJ blacks were 100% Republican because the Republican Party freed the slaves.

LBJ started welfare and most blacks were poor so they joined the party that gave them "free" money.

But as blacks started becoming more affluent (not because of welfare) they started leaving the Democrat Party. The Democrats don't have the hold on them like they once had.

Welfare was another Democrat colossal failure. Poverty was at about 40% when it started and after trillions of dollars have been spent it is still at about 40%. But then it was never meant to help the poor. It was meant to buy their votes. And by poor, I mean all races. I'm not Joe Biden after all.
3 ups, 3y,
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"I'll have those n*****s voting Democratic for 200 years."-LBJ, on signing the 1964 Civil Rights Act
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Wasn't even where that alleged quote - which came to light for the first time ever and not independently verified in a 1996 book - supposedly happened.
0 ups, 3y,
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Sure it didn't. LOL SMH
1 up, 3y,
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Said it right there on live camera, did he, ROLF SMH?

Unlike that one that took someone 35 years for somone to recall a Governor's secretary told someone that she overheard that once, this quote from LBJ is easly verified, and as we all know, one a certain elitist carpetbagger fromm NYC and his grand old party have put to good use...
0 ups, 3y,
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LBJ was a "politician", and a very crooked one to boot.

It's not beyond the realm of actuality that he made both statements!!!

Don't let your hatred of one person cloud your judgement that all of them are crooks, and they don't care about "we...the people" at all. They will say whatever is necessary, to whatever group they need, to help them retain the power over people that they desire so very much.
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"Don't let your hatred of one person cloud your judgement"

It's YOUR hatred of one person clouding YOUR judgement that is being discussed.
Is that a parody of projection on stilts?
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Who exactly do I "hate"???

"LBJ"??? "Trump"??? Who exactly??

Speaking of "projection"!!!!
1 up, 3y,
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How tha heck do I know who you referring to when you brought up "hate," ROLF SMH?
Are you vaguely aware of what a reply is?
0 ups, 3y
I was asking who you thought I supposedly hated.

Its pointless trying to talk to you, apparently, so I'll just stop here.

Have a good'un.
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ROLF SMH, our comments are all still here to read should anyone have trouble following what we had said.
You have my permission to indulge yourself should that prove to be a problem as it evidently has.
0 ups, 3y
Thank you for giving me "permission" to read a publicly posted post.
How very noble of you, LOL SMH.
2 ups, 3y,
5 replies
Does it matter if there are or are not racist Republican presidents? Democrats will always accuse them of being racist regardless if it is true or not. To Democrats every Republican president is dumber than a mud fence, David Duke's twin brother and they eat small children for breakfast. The truth is irrelevant to Democrats because they will repeat those lies until everyone in their party believes it. Now it is to the point where it isn't just the Republican presidents but anyone who does not march in lockstep with the left, that the left brands as racist.

The point is LBJ created Welfare to buy black votes away from the Republican party and it worked until more recently. Blacks are becoming more affluent because all of the hurdles of the past have been removed from them. They are beginning to see just how the Democrats have used them.

Candace Owens is one of many who is leading this change with her #blexit campaign.

Also have you noticed that no Democrat is talking about Biden's racism? If a Republican president said just one of the many racist statements that Biden has made you guys would be all over him or her non-stop.

Trump said that criminals are coming over the border from Mexico and you guys turned him into David Duke overnight. And yet criminals ARE coming over the border from Mexico. Even if they haven't ever committed any crime in their home country they are violating our sovereignty laws, which is a felony, thus making them all criminals. But when we say that you guys think we mean that every Hispanic that has ever immigrated to the United States. Which is non-sense. There is a difference between an illegal immigrant and a legal immigrant. It is not that we hate Hispanics, it is that we hate law breakers. And yes, if an Canadian who is white as the driven snow illegally immigrated to the US we expect him or her to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. IT WAS NEVER ABOUT RACE.
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"Evolution occurs at different rates for different species. There is no minimum amount of time that it takes for one species to become another."

Yes, I know that. Microorganisms can mutate within hours or days. But mammals take millions of years.

"I don't know where you heard that, but that is not true. There are no mammals or birds or reptiles anywhere near the Cambrian layer of rocks."

You might want to do some research about the Cambrian era and specifically the "Cambrian Explosion".

"Creationism is a religious doctrine. Religious doctrines cannot be taught in public schools because the government is prohibited from doing that."

Yes and it is also a theory of how live begin on earth. It does NOT establish a state religion because it is only teaching Genesis. It is not establishing Christianity because Judaism has the same books in the Torah as Christians do.

AND not all Jews and Christians think Genesis is literal. They think it is figurative. Some think that evolution is the method that God used. I'm not one of them. I believe that Genesis is literal but the only thing I differ with a lot of other Christians who believe Genesis is literal is that we do not know how long a "day" is when in Genesis it says that God created the earth and everything in it in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Those could be periods of time. So if science said the earth is 4.5 billion years old I have no reason to oppose that. I just know that God did not use evolution to create life.

"Creationism is far more absurd than anything involving evolution."

That is your opinion. You have put your faith in evolution but just like Creationism there is no empirical evidence that it is true. There's just a lot politics pushing evolution.
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"Creationism is not a scientific theory. It is not even really a hypothesis, because it's not testable"

Why not? Is not an engineer building a bridge scientific? The engineer uses scientific principles. God is not a magician. He did not pull the earth out of a hat to wow people. He used scientific principles. He engineered the earth. That is exactly why earth can support life. There are so many minute details that if they were off by just a little there would be no life. Just the way oxygen is replenished is amazing on its own. I saw a documentary hosted by Will Smith on the cycle needed to generate enough oxygen to sustain life. I think it is on Netflix, I don't remember what it is called but if you can find it you should watch it.

If the earth was 10% further away or closer to the sun, there would be no life. Much of this stuff wasn't even known 30 or more years ago. The more we learn about the earth and astronomy the more complicated it gets.

So when you start adding up the odds of random chance it actually becomes statistically impossible (my opinion) for everything to happen the way evolutionists say is happening.

That still does not prove there is a God but it does bring us whole lot closer to establishing a logical case that there has to be more than just random chance.

"There are mountains of evidence that evolution is true, and there is no scientifically valid evidence that creationism is true."

But there are major gaping holes that are being ignored because evolution has become politicized. I don't care if there is a mountain of evidence when that mountain is made of Swiss cheese.

Once again, evolution has become politicized to the point where scientist can't even get a research grant if they say they want to study creationism.

The Bible has become the number one source for archeology in the middle east. Yet it is ignored when it comes to the origin of life. That's there is no political advantage to had with archeology.
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"We teach children in schools what is best supported by the evidence."

I don't care if they continue to teach evolution in school. I don't really care if they teach creationism in school. I just want them to teach that there are other ideas rather than hiding them from those other ideas.

Yes, I know about the flat earthers but, unlike Creationism, there is actual scientific fact that proves them wrong. There is nothing scientific that disproves Creationism or the existence of God. It always makes me laugh when atheists try to hide behind science. Science is neither a friend to theists or atheists. Science is just the study of what we can see, even if it means using an advanced telescope or electron microscope.

"Just because somebody believe something very strongly, that doesn't mean their idea deserves equal time in the science classroom."

That applies to evolution also.

"I agree that we should teach kids how to think critically and question things, not just tell them what to think."

If you saw a test that they gave kids to pass the 6th grade from the turn of the last century it would scare you. I doubt many people with advanced degrees could pass that test today. It is all because we used to teach kids how to think. Part of that was done by teaching opposing opinions and making the kids defend or tear down another kid's argument. Therefore, why not let creationism and evolution be taught in schools. Let the kids learn to think their way through both ideas.

We don't do that today because we put and insane amount of emphasis on self-esteem. So much so we are graduating idiots who think they are superior to everyone else and the older generations are full of false information.
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"Like I said, we don't need to be wasting people's time and resources letting students know about other ideas which are not supported by evidence."

Who are you to decide what a waste of time is? Clearly flat earth ideology is a waste of time. So far aliens populating the earth is a waste but who knows about the future. I don't think that aliens populated the earth unless you consider God an alien.

"And there is actual scientific fact that shows that creationism is wrong."

Where? The age of the earth is a theory. Evolution is a theory. Where is the scientific fact? We don't have any information in the Bible about how God created the earth.

"We don't hide behind science, we use it to learn more about the world around us, and it just so happens to show that religious claims aren't supported by good evidence."

You're hiding behind it right now. Science does not prove or disprove evolution or creationism. All Science can do is observe what it can and if can be repeated then it become fact. And it is only a fact until some later science disproves that fact. The only time science is never called into question is when it has been politicized. You're using science as a shield against religion but science doesn't care about you. It is not your friend. You do not have exclusive rights to science. All you have is your opinions and you are claiming it is science. It is not.

"Except that evolution is currently the best model for explaining the observed phenomena of biological diversity on the planet."

It is A model but not necessarily the best. It has a lot of valid points. But remember evolution is ONLY about the origin of life and one species changing into a completely different species. It does have anything to do with geology, astronomy, and most other sciences.
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"So anything that doesn't line up with your beliefs must be treasonous, right?"

Anything that takes our rights away from us and tramples the Constitution is treasonous. Marxism is treasonous because it does just that.

"The Supreme Court did not make a law in Roe v Wade, they interpreted the constitution as providing people with a right to privacy, which protects a woman's ability to have an abortion"

So any state that opposed abortion can just pass a law in their state legislature banning abortion? How about the federal government. Can the House and Senate vote to ban abortion?

Uhhhh Nope! The courts make abortion the law of the land. The only way a state can vote for or against abortion is if Roe v Wade is overturned.

The same applies to gay marriage. A state legislature is forbidden from banning gay marriage by the courts.

"You say that, and yet you're wrong, because you don't actually know my views on the Constitution. You think you do because I'm a liberal, but you actually don't."

You're right. I was making assumptions based on your past comments but I really do not know what you think about the Constitution.

"Those two things are incompatible, because the God of Christianity is not a deistic god. A deistic god started the universe in motion and then stepped back and doesn't interact with it at all. The Christian God is said to interact with the universe all the time."

Well you might have a point because I never studied what deism it other than a belief in a supreme being.

I believe that God for the most part steps back because this life is our time to prove to ourselves and to God that we can overcome obstacles, even big ones. If God intervened all of the time it would defeat the purpose of life. However God does intervene for certain things. Sometimes He will help those who ask for his help. Other times He lets the individual figure it out for themselves. God is not a dictator.

"So conservative Christians trying to prevent same-sex marriage from becoming legalized isn't trying to shove their beliefs on other people?"

NO!!!!!!!!! Trying to stop (or preventing) someone else from shoving their beliefs down my throat is NOT shoving our beliefs down their throat. What are you thinking? We're not the aggressor here. You are. Your are taking our liberty by force.
0 ups, 3y,
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1 up, 3y
"'Why is it that if a student even so much brings a Bible on any public school campus he/she runs the risk of being expelled or suspended?'

They don't. That's a myth. Name one student who was expelled for bringing a Bible to school and that expulsion was upheld in court."

"'Why is it that a cross way out in the middle of the Mojave desert in California that was erected to honor WWI veterans had to be torn down?'

Because it is seen as a government establishment of religion"

And you seriously believe that? What happened is some nitwit atheist got his panties in a bind when he saw a cross just sitting there on BLM land (Bureau of Land Management not Black Lives Matter). It is a cross. The only verbs it is capable performing are standing and decaying. Establishing is way out of range of possibilities that a cross is capable of performing. No state religion was established and no taxes dollars were going to its upkeep.

I wish you could understand just how ridiculous your reasoning is. You clearly are on the side of eliminating the church from existence and you will even support any form of bogus laws to accomplish. Because you want to shove your atheism down our throats. You are a narcissist.

"If evolution failed the scientific method it wouldn't be the cornerstone of modern biology. Evolution is observable and it has been observed, both in nature and in the laboratory."

Two things happened fairly closely. Karl Marx and Charles Darwin. It was a match made in hell. Marxism (including socialism, Nazism, fascism and communism) are ALL atheistic religions. Okay so Hitler was a pagan and not an atheist but he was a socialist.

Early on socialists saw the dedication that Christians had to God and they wanted that. But they wanted that dedication applied to the state not God. Thus began the militant atheists. These are narcissistic atheists who want to make everyone be just like them through power and control. They have been using the government to change what this nation was founded on (freedom) and replace it with power and control. Governments are more than happy to oblige these control freaks because they crave power and control.

So the reason why evolution is used in modern biology is much more political than factual. Socialists use evolution as a tool to remove God from people in an attempt to make them worship the state.
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"And I've had conservatives call me racist when I haven't said anything racist at all. In fact just today somebody called me racist and I didn't even say anything remotely racist."

You're not the president so it is only local to a handful of people on ImgFlip. People call each other all sorts of names on ImgFlip regardless of politics. I've been called some pretty bad names here also.

"Why do you talk about Democrats as if they all think the same thing? And ironically those are accusations I hear from many conservatives about liberals, that they're stupid, racist, and some of them literally eat the flesh of children."

Because if you deviate from the dogma you are called a heretic by your own people. Maybe not you but I have seen it happen far too many times. Rosanne Barr was never a conservative but she got cancelled because she stepped out of line. The same thing happened to Kanye West. I was never a fan of either. But it happens anytime a leftist thinks for themselves. The only one that seems unaffected by any of that is Bill Maher. Every once in a decade he shocks the daylights out of me when he says something that is actually correct.

"I'm a Democrat and I actually care about what's true. And I don't believe everything party leaders say."

Yes but how many times have I told you that the right is not comprised of Nazis and racists and yet you still persist. I've even tried to explain how socialism, even national socialism, is NOT a part of the right wing and never has been.

The right wing in America are the only ones holding on the Constitution as hard as we can to keep the leftists from flushing it down the toilet.

"And we all know the Candace Owens speaks for all black people"

I never said that she did. I said she is leading a movement to get black people off of the Democrat plantation.

"When people talk about criminals coming over from Mexico, I'm pretty sure they're usually talking about people who have already committed dangerous crimes even before crossing the border."

There is that element that is taking advantage of the Democrats lenience on illegal immigration. They aren't the majority, or at least I hope not, but they do exist. Drug dealers, MS13 and even Islamic terrorists.

"And yet I never hear conservatives bring up people coming over illegally from Canada, it's always Mexico."

Do we have a Canadian illegal immigration problem? I don't know of any.
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"'Because if you deviate from the dogma you are called a heretic by your own people'

That doesn't explain why you do it"

Why? Because I left the Republican Party? As Reagan said about the Democrat party, "I didn't leave the [Republican] party. The [Republican] party left me. No one has called me a heretic for having my own thoughts. Conservatives don't "cancel" each other.

"She was a trump supporter who made an openly racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett"

Every once in a blue moon some Hollywood liberal will support a Republican candidate. Like when Cher supported Ross Perot. Both Kanye and Rosanne supported Trump. Democrats didn't "cancel" people back when Cher supported Ross Perot. Rosanne insulted Valarie Jarret just like she insults a whole lot of people. It is her shtick. It never bothered anyone before when she was only insulting conservatives. Jarret is a horrible person, she deserves to be insulted.

"Maybe you should listen to him more than once per decade."

I can't stand Maher. He is an arrogant prick who thinks he is smarter than he is. The only reason why I know that he actually makes sense once in a while because some conservative will post an excerpt of his show on social media.

"I never said the right was comprised of Nazis and racists, I pointed out that Nazism is not a liberal ideology."

I know you don't want the Nazis on your side but as evil as the Nazis were, the Soviet Union was much, much, much worse. And we were both taught in school that socialism is on the left. Hitler started the party as a national socialist but when he came to power he was just a megalomaniac dictator. Lenin came to power as a democratic socialist and Stalin referred to himself as an international socialist. Those are the facts. All versions of socialism are left-wing ideologies.
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"And yet I see many liberals trying to protect it from conservatives who want to flush it down the toilet."

When has a conservative ever violated any of the 5 clauses in the 1st amendment? When has a conservative violated any of the rest.

No conservative opposes the 2nd amendment. However, I don't think anyone opposes the 3rd amendment. None of us want to be forced to house the military.

The left has destroyed the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th amendments with Obama's defense authorization act of 2012. This is why Biden has indefinitely detained most of the Capitol rioters and a whole lot of protesters without charges, due process, trial or even legal council. You are just supposed to suck it up while the left throws you in prison for the crime of breathing air.

The 9th amendment, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." has been obliterated by the left. They goal is remove any and all rights.

If you even mention the 10th amendment in a positive way then the left jumps all over you calling you a racist who wants to bring back slavery. The 10th has nothing to do with slavery. It had to do with states rights. Lincoln had to violate this to free the slaves but after they were free he could have put the power back to the hands of the people and not left it with the government. States rights give people more freedom, not less.

No one in their right mind wants to bring back slavery.
0 ups, 3y,
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"You say that the federal government is prohibited from establishing a state religion but other than that there are no restrictions. Yes there are. The first amendment clearly says, in part, that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". That has been interpreted over and over and over again by the Supreme Court and other courts as meaning that the government also cannot endorse or promote one religion over another, or religion over irreligion."

Those other restriction violate the Constitution and as badly as you want those restrictions they are contrary to the spirit and the letter of the Constitution and the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It does not matter of the Supreme Court rules in violation of the Constitution it is still bad law. Ever since the Progressive socialists infested this country with their treasonous ideology they have been focusing on making our government bend to their will. And the worst part is they are getting away with it. There are so many bogus rulings to come out of the courts. Roe V Wade was one of them. The courts are prohibited from making law but that is exactly what they did in Roe v Wade.

This is exactly why I say that you and the left use the Constitution as toilet paper. You do not place any value on the original intent of the founders. You want to distort it to make it worthless.

"Just because that's a conclusion you and some other people have reached doesn't mean that's what his clear intention was."

All you have to do is read the letter and you will understand what his intention was. Then read what Jefferson said and read about what he did. He was a deist but that does not mean he was an atheist. In fact deist and atheist are opposite in meaning. Deist is Latin for the Greek word theist. If you put an "a" in front of a word it makes that word mean the opposite as in atheist.

It was very clear that Jefferson was a Christian deist.

"A lot of conservative Christians want the government to stay out of their business but they want to use the government to push their views on everyone else."

How can you even say that. EVERYONE on the left has been pushing their beliefs down our throats for decades now. It is disgusting what you get away with. And you dare complain about Christians? We aren't trying to shove anything down your throats. We are trying to hang on to what this country was founded on, what you are taking away from us.
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"Plenty of conservatives Christians try to use the government to endorse religion. Arkansas conservatives recently tried to (or actually did, I'm not sure) pass a bill that would allow creationism to be taught in public schools. This has been ruled unconstitutional decades ago. A lot of conservative Christians don't give a damn about the 1st Amendent when it gets in their way."

You have just proved my point. Do you know the difference between the word "establish" and "endorse"? They are not the same word and the do not have the same meaning. You are not the first person I have heard try to substitute "establish" with "endorse". One of those words is used in the 1st amendment and the other is not.

The FEDERAL government is prohibited from creating a state religion by the first amendment. That means they cannot create a new religion like King Henry VIII did nor can they require that a part of your taxes go to support the Lutheran Church like in Germany.

After that there no restrictions on religion. Not until the Everson vs the Board of Education was tried in the Supreme Court in 1947. That was when the Supreme Court took a letter written by then president, Thomas Jefferson to the Baptist Church in Danbury, Cn and introduced it as law and grossly misinterpreted what Jefferson meant.

This was the court that FDR packed with his leftist goons.

Jefferson was petitioned by the Baptists for help because the city of Danbury was predominantly Congregationalists and they were shutting the Baptists out of the city government. Jefferson, quite frankly, didn't want to get involved. He replied with a letter that contained the phrase "there must be a wall of separation between Church and state." It was very clear from that letter what Jefferson meant. The "wall" was to keep the state out of the church's business. Jefferson never meant it to keep the church out of state business.

Jefferson never acted like that wall was to keep church out of government. He went so far as the take excerpts directly from the King James Version of the New Testament, compiled it into a book and made it required reading for all incoming freshmen in the Senate and House of Representatives.
0 ups, 3y
So what happened? Why is it that if a student even so much brings a Bible on any public school campus he/she runs the risk of being expelled or suspended? Why is it that a cross way out in the middle of the Mojave desert in California that was erected to honor WWI veterans had to be torn down?

Why is it that the left changed "establish" to "endorse"?

What is wrong with teaching creationism in schools? It is just as plausible as evolution. You do know that evolution will never ever be changed from theory to fact? It fails the scientific method. It is not observable or able to be replicated. There are major glaring flaws in evolution. The most obvious one is that no where has science found fossil remains representing every variation of a species changing into a completely different species. They have a few variations and they extrapolate heavily that evolution occurred in between.

Recently there was a study into the timing of evolution. For a species to evolve from one to another it takes X number of millions of years. Unfortunately 95% of all species found today appeared in the Cambrian era. They didn't exist prior to the Cambrian era. There simply isn't even close to enough time for one species to changed into a completely different.

And by change I don't mean from a wolf to a dog or one dog breed to another. That is not evolution that is selective breeding by man. I mean from a dinosaur to a bird or an ape to a man.

Plus there is absolutely no explanation of how life came into existence and more importantly remained in existence. All lifeforms today instinctively learn from their parents the need for energy and reproduction. For some that knowledge is developed prior to birth for others the parents teach their offspring how to survive. Where or how did the first organism gain this knowledge. How did the first organism come to be an organism? I have read about the theory of abiogenesis but that is absurd.

So why shouldn't creationism be taught in schools? What is wrong with it? Is it any less absurd than evolution? There are people who think aliens populated this planet. There are all sorts of theories and ideas about all sorts of things. Why should we restrict what our children learn to just one idea.

But then why did we stop teaching kids how to think? We only teach them what to think and that is indoctrination. There's a lot of kids out there who have no clue how to formulate and idea all by themselves.
1 up, 3y,
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Everything he says is a literal lie, most of which he's been corrected many a time by myself and others, yet he persists in repeating them.
Basic facts, we're talking about, btw, not agenda framed perceptions.
0 ups, 3y,
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You're calling someone else a "liar"????

What a hoot. SMH LOL
1 up, 3y
ROLF SMH sed sumthin!!!!
4 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Nah, just pointing out the constant, continued racism, particularly towards black folks, of the Democrat Party throughout its history.

Sorry "facts" bother you; but there it is!!!
3 ups, 3y,
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Facts hurt people feelings, ya noe?
2 ups, 3y
That's because people want to believe what they want, regardless of the truth. Life is not about being pain free. It is about learning from our mistakes and trying not to repeat them. Truth will always hurt but it will also make you a better person.
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
So black people were ALL Republicans? but were all so broke the democrats bought them off?

You won't even take the time to ponder how you just exposed the republicans at that time in history

You are also ingoring that last I checked? more white people use welfare than blacks.
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
You're putting words in my mouth. Yes, blacks were ALL Republicans because the Republican Party freed the slaves. The Republican party was formed from the recently disbanded Whig Party. They were the abolitionists that were part of the Whig Party. The Republican Party was formed specifically to oppose slavery. The Republican party also opposed the Jim Crow laws and supported all of the civil rights acts.

Democrats, on the other hand, were the pro-slavery party, the party of Jim Crow and for the most part opposed the different civil rights acts.

I am not sure what you mean by how I "exposed the republicans at that time in history". The Republicans did not drive the blacks out of the party. Actually what happened is that when Kennedy was running for president he spoke with Martin Luther King to get his support. Kennedy convinced MLK to leave the Republican party and join the Democrats. For whatever reason MLK switched parties. MLK convinced his followers to support Kennedy.

I'm not slighting Kennedy. He was the only good Democrat president in the 20th century. And certainly the last good Democrat president. LBJ was awful and so has every Democrat president since.

Regardless that begin the migration of blacks from the Republican party. But it wasn't until LBJ started handing out "free" money to poor people that the poor, including the poor blacks, joined the Democrat party.

And yes, I do know that there are more poor whites than poor blacks and more white welfare recipients than black welfare recipients. Part of that is because there are more white people than black people in America. And part of it is because blacks are wanting better lives and are working hard to achieve that better life.
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
We have 1 simple question for you Mr Knight

Q: If "Republicans" abhore racism and the history of blacks in America and love them so much? WHY would they have such a huge problem with the removal of statues that honor RACIST TRAITORS of America.

You can cery about what is factual "HISTORY" regarding the Democrat party. It is true "history"

But only Trumplicans are so desperate to white wash it all. If you truly felt the pain of Black American history you would demand and cheer on removing the statues.
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
First, I am not a Republican. I was a Republican but I am not happy with where the party is heading. They keep trying to play catch up to the Democrat party. I am in the Constitution Party.

Because it is only the left who is accusing those people whom the statues are build to honor, as racists. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Robert E Lee all have 3 things in common. 1. The owned slaves. 2. They were all from Virginia. 3. They all at some point learned to abhor the idea of owning another human being. But Virginia had laws that prohibited slave owners from freeing their slaves. There was a loophole that George Washington was able to get through. He could free his slaves upon his death and that is what he did. That loophole was closed before Jefferson died. Jefferson fought many times in the Virginia state legislature to end slavery or at least let him free his slaves but always the vote in the state legislature too short.

Lee came along years later. He wasn't a politician (as far as I can remember). He didn't fight the Civil War for the Confederacy but instead for Virginia. He was a proud Virginian and he came to the realization that slavery was abhorrent. There was just nothing he could do about it because it was still illegal to free your slaves in Virginia.

The people who torn down their statues had no clue about them.

They even torn down Ulysses S Grant's statue. He had always been opposed to slavery. Someone had given him a slave as a present and he immediately freed that slave. But because he "owned" a slave for 2 minutes down came his statue.

Regardless, the accomplishments of these great men should be honored. We would not have our freedom if it were not for them. And now that slavery has long ended that freedom is extended to everyone.

The signers of the Declaration of Independence fully expected to be tried and hung for signing that document. They put their lives on the line.

The majority of the founding fathers were opposed to slavery. They voted on it and only 2 of the 13 original states voted to keep slavery. If it wasn't for the fact that we were going to war with the world's greatest superpower, those 2 states would have probably been overruled and slavery would have ended with the signing of the Constitution. But didn't want those states to support England so we compromised.
1 up, 3y,
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Yeah we keep hearing that hear on IMGFLIP from people who do nothing burt defend Trump and attack Biden lol
2 ups, 3y,
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It really bugged me to be put in the position to support Trump. I didn't vote for him in 2016 because I thought he was a Democrat in Republicans clothing. He talked like a Democrat who was trying their best to sound like what they thought a conservative sounded like. That also bugged me because you guys have no clue what or why we think the way we do.

But I value the truth and rather than the Democrats picking on the things that Trump actually did wrong, they fabricated nonsense all the time. That bugged me because it made me have to defend a man whom I didn't really care for that much.

I did vote for Trump in 2020.

What I am surprised by is how anyone can possibly defend Biden. The man is clearly unfit for the job of president of the United States of America. He is a major embarrassment. I don't care how awful you thought Trump, at least Trump wasn't senile.

You guys let your rabid hatred of Trump put an idiot in the White House.

But here is the thing, Biden has always been an idiot. He never knew his butt from a hole in the ground but now he is senile on top of all of that.
0 ups, 3y,
2 replies
We don't defend Biden because we don't like Biden you just admitted your a Trumplicans just as we assumed.

We don't make up stuff about Trump or Biden we have enough factual things that justify our hate for Trump and his blind sheeple.

We did not hate Trumpers in 2016. We hate them now for there anti-American worship for him and "fake" patriotism

You will now ask something stupid like "What has Trump done" which is the default of Trumpers
1 up, 3y
"Everything you just wrote is utter butthurt because Trump lost have a nice day"

I am not your straw man. You're going to have to accept the fact that there are lots of different types of people out there. Just because I do not march in lockstep with you means that I can be summed up as "butthurt because Trump lost".

I've been watching Democrat cheat for decades. I knew in 2016 by the rabid hatred of Trump by the left that they were going to do exactly what they did. Massively cheat. I did not need Trump or any Republican to tell me that. I have a brain and I know how to use it.
1 up, 3y,
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Maybe that does not apply to you but your are in microscopic minority. All I saw on the news, ImgFlip, the internet was non-stop rabid Trump hatred.

When actress Gina Carano got fired by Disney from The Mandalorian, Disney said it was because she said that Democrats hated Trump and his followers as much as the Nazis hated Jews she was not wrong. Disney has developed a fanatical devotion to Karl Marx in the last couple of decades that is making Walt turn over in his grave.

The entire Trump/Russia collusion was a complete fabrication. It was fiction and I'll bet you are still holding on to it because most Democrats are even though it as been proven to be nothing more than an attempt to unseat a sitting president or as they used to call it, treason.

The whole "insurrection" charge is a fabrication. Not only that, what happened on Jan 6th wasn't even an insurrection. An insurrection is when a group of citizens try to overthrow the government and replace it with a new government. That is not even close to what happened on Jan 6th.

Jan 6th saw a whole lot of Americans who were pissed off because they watched election fraud happen right in front of their eyes and the media and even many Republicans kept trying to tell them that they were wrong. Because the left has no clue about the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, the people have a Constitutional right to demand a redress for their grievances. What you witnesses was exactly that. They demanded a recount and even an new election if necessary. Because what we saw was a party so full of foreign cash that they thought they could buy an election and then buy off everyone enough key people's silence.

They saw our "democracy" (as the left keeps calling our republic) crumble right before their eyes and they were helpless to stop it.

So the peacefully protested and it was an actual peaceful protest, not the violence we watched unchecked all year long last year. About 300 of those protesters entered the Capitol Bldg. Their leaders were calling for peace and to follow what the Capitol police told them. Something triggered a riot not long after and we have no video of that trigger event happening. The Capitol is won't release security video footage so we can see what happened. Those responsible are indefinitely being held without charges, without representation and without a trial. We can't ask them what happened because we aren't allowed to.

Oh yeah, I'm suppose to ask you, what has Trump done?
2 ups, 3y
Everything you just wrote is utter butthurt because Trump lost have a nice day
1 up, 3y

I can't wait for their new films about Communism, it'll make a change from all those films about the monarchy!
2 ups, 3y
How would I know if 100% of blacks were Republicans? Just like how the left *thinks* that 100% of blacks are Democrats and if they aren't Democrats then they don't exist. I'm sure there were a handful of self-loathing blacks that were part of the Democrat party back then but I was a small child when the migration from Republican to Democrat happened.

"You must also think that Trump only claimed to be a conservative Christian to win the votes of conservative Christians, right?"


You thought I was going to defend Trump, right? I think I have told you in the past that I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I thought Trump was a fraud. When he first started campaigning he sounded just like the Democrats straw man that they have built to represent a conservative. He also talked about government run healthcare at first. Trump was a New York liberal Democrat most of his life. So he just reiterated what Democrats think conservatives believe in. Then he started bad mouthing Ted Cruz, who was perhaps the most honest presidential candidate in any party in a very long time. Cruz is a true conservative and he would have made a vastly better president. And because of that I think the Democrat hatred would have actually been worse than it was for Trump and Trump hatred is the worst I have ever seen from the Dems.

Then Trump started making a show of his Christianity. I don't know what is in any person's heart and perhaps he is devout in some manner but he never acted like a Christian. He seemed more like a "camera Christian", he's only Christian when the camera is aimed at him.
2 ups, 3y,
2 replies
LOL and those who 'step out of line' and show conservative lean leftards call all sorts of names: Sell out, Uncle Tom, "You Ain't Black", "you like Trump? But you're black?" trying to lure them back onto the plantation.
2 ups, 3y
IT doesn't know we are all laughing
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2 ups, 3y,
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You're too much!
0 ups, 3y,
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2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Where did I said that you lying dishonest pony?
3 ups, 3y
Where did I said that you lying dishonest pony?
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