If they weren’t, they’d be dissertations to better represent the actual argument. Because political perspectives are so divided, it’s much easier to conclude someone’s view of an opposing argument as misrepresented.
Now, if the meme were outright lying, then it would be something much worse.
Personally, I think conservatives are more willing to play the victim then they claim. For examples, vaccines, masks, and losing the 2020 election. They’re far more willing to play victims here than admit; they just are afraid of needles, don’t want to wear masks, and Trump campaigned a Helluva lot but failed to reach a wider audience than just his base. Instead, they’d rather claim there is no virus, or if there is one, it isn’t as bad as anyone claims or they’re just part of some conspiratorial agenda, or they don’t work, or that Democrats cheated. These claims are definitely one’s of victims.