You haven't presented a genuine argument,, name calling and making pitiful excuses for your name calling is all you've done.
Yep, I have no genuine argurments (spelling is the bane of lefties pretending to be smart) that prove "Democrats" are "destroying" America, other than Democrats that chanted "No borders no wall, No America at all" as they burned American flags. I can provide other evidence, but you'll ignore it, you'll move the goal posts and lie about something else.
You don't care for some Democrat polices or Joe Biden, but instead of focusing on the disastrous policies of Biden and Democrats, you're going to continue throwing a temper tantrum about the last president because you can't defend Joe Biden and Democrats disastrous policies. That is deflection
You leaped head 1st off the insanity cliff into a abyss of BS when you put on your va**na hats and yelled at the sky because your candidate lost.
The prime example The "Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election" lie.
Go ahead and project about brainwashing when you were brainwashed into believing Russia made Americans vote for Orangemanbad.