The magic of Rooker's Merle was that there was a human being behind those hateful conflicted eyes. A strange charm as well.
I didn't dislike Andrea as much as others have seemed to, although the 'Concerned Citizen' look did get a bit wearing.
TWD has stretched itself too much, with only 1 or 2 episodes devoted to sets of characters whose storylines are practically forgotten till touched upon again the next season. A little much on the soap opera aspect too.
If that episode of "Carol chases a mouse while Daryl stumbles in the woods" is a taste of what their spinoff is going to be like, I'd suggest they nix that idea. They work best as part of an ensemble. With the focus on them, things can get a bit too sullen with flashes of whiny sulkiness to twist that butter knife in.
Everytime FTWD begins to find its footing it changes things up most moronically. That whole video interview thing was a bit neverendingly much (no electric, no television broadcast, sure, let me keep the tv on anyways and see what I can find on public access!) and that tribe of kids addition was shaping up to be a disaster on arrival because all these years later and producers haven't realized that Ricky Segall was nearly the death of the Partridge Family.
World Beyond, let's see. Decade after the end and teens are whiny gelatinous snowflakes who've never seen any of the gazillions of ravenous zombies that took over the world because they're safely esconced at home probably still dining on micro'd Hot Pockets and saying mean things about each other on FlakeBook. Good grief, did they just keep some of today's Gen Emo on ice and thaw them out 10 years after?
I tried watching it, I did, but I ended up typing away online instead.
But then someone started sticking out, that soldier whose agenda is a mystery and whose slinky way cool voice adds to it. Turns out the actor is Spanish and her Americanized accent would be part of her curious delivery, but it heightens whatever else she's going on about.
So solely because of her I will tune in.
Of course dunderhead Gimple will have her killed, just like Ginny (who, like Merle, still had a few more miles of workable drama to offer), and John Dorie, which still has me royally pissed off.
Worst thing since killing off Abraham and then Glen anyways.
Oh, and I doubt Madison is really dead. Like, "You guys drive away, I'll distract these slow moving zombies by standing here with a flare!" Seriously, was the horde gonna turn into T1000s?