"Party affiliation is not an requirement, nor has ever been. Hence why most members today are Republicans, and why not just southern Democrats, but why the South's Lily White Movement Republicans were members early on."
Of course, party affiliation was a requirement. Republicans were the ant-slavery party. Do you think Democrats were going to welcome them into the Klan? LOL How do you know most members are Republicans? As I told the other weak-minded pinhead, don't try and project the sins of YOUR party onto me and Republicans. Democrats OWN the racist moniker. They are who they were.
The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War over slavery, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history. From slavery to Dredd Scott, to "black codes" and Jim Crow laws, to the KKK, to voter suppression and intimidation, to Planned Parenthood eugenics aimed at blacks, to introducing drugs and alcohol into black neighborhoods, to welfare programs designed to keep blacks dependent on government. They are who they were. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
"Perhaps if you learned some history this would become as familiar to you as it is to me."
So educate me. Post some material and credible sources backing up your statements. I keep asking liberals for that, but they never provide it.