I can't believe I have to explain this but, the meme isn't speaking to the debt (directly). It's addressing one part that Liberal Democrats not only don't seem to mind paying for, but want to punish the rest of the country and make us pay, too.
I believe Israel all day over terrorists:
Whose charter calls for the extermination of Jews,
Whose "government officials" store their military's weapons among the population, making them military targets,
Whose military invade Israel and rapes, murders, and kidnaps Israelis,
Whose military is so cowardly it hides behind the civilian population, also making them targets.
These things are PROVEN. Biden is not giving money to Israel, other than what we have given them for years due to a protection agreement. Biden WANTS to give money to HAMAS, but Republicans are standing in his way.
How the terrorists got over the border unmolested is Israel's question to answer, not mine. And it's irrelevant, anyway. The fact remains, HAMAS invaded the country and committed atrocities. If you think Israel allowed Hamas to do this as a prelude to starting a war, YOU are the one who gets your news from bad sources. Israel has placated the Palestinians for DECADES, and they still get attacked in return for concessions.
1. The war in Ukraine has cost about $100B so far. We pay around $150B per year EVERY YEAR toward illegals. And that's no doubt increased with the millions more Biden allowed in over the last three years.
2. There is no genocide in Gaza. If Israel wanted to wipe out every living person in Gaza, it would take them about 2 days.
3. There are Palestinians currently living in Israel. How many of them have been killed in this quest for "genocide" you're imagining?
4. Stop getting your news from the Democrat state-run media propagandists.
First, I absolutely care. That's why I research before I post. Second, you STILL haven't made an argument about the other fascist, autocratic things Biden has done. And you're doing a poor job using Miller and VDARE to somehow exonerate Biden of being the fascist "leader" he's shown himself to be. Instead, you're only attempting to divert attention from the overwhelming evidence against Biden to questionable evidence, at best, against Miller.
Researching your link led me to read an email (which, BTW, I have no idea whether or not the emails are transcribed in their entirety for context) in which Miller writes:
โOn the education angle? Makes sense. Also, you see the Pope saying west must, in effect, get rid of borders. SOMEONE SHOULD POINT OUT THE PARRALELS to Camp of the Saints.โ
That tells me Miller was using the book as a comparison, calling out the similarities between what the book says and what the pope said. Maybe there's more to the email that would make me think differently, but if that's the entire email, it shows the OPPOSITE of what you're accusing Miller of.
I admit, the VDARE article is terribly written, in that the writer used racially insensitive language to make a point. And it's not a website I ever heard of before or would subscribe to. And the SPLC is an anti-Christian, anti-conservative outfit, so their hateful rhetoric is hardly credible as a news source. Also, I didn't find ONE fair and credible news source that reported on this, nor do I recall Democrats ever sounding off about it. And we all know how the Democrats, the Party whose name is synonymous with all things racist, love to try and project their sins onto Republicans.
๐๐Checkmate, liberals? First, what do your comments have to do with fascism? I've never heard of VDARE, so I had to do a little research. You should try it, sometime. Second, the only articles mentioning emails were from VDARE seeking resumes in the days following Trump's 2016 election, and even that article is from an unknown and therefore not a credible source. No major outlets corroborated the claim. The NYT wrote a piece that says Larry Kudlow unknowingly had this guy Peter Brimlow, who operates a VDARE website that caters to white nationalists, to dinner once. And a Trump speechwriter was fired for appearing at a conference with Brimelow. And that's it. One has nothing to do with the other, (the other being you, btw) and the other doesn't know what he's talking about anyway.
And in typical Liberal fashion, you took ONE example out of ELEVEN to make an argument as to what YOU think is a ridiculous meme. I would think that, too, if it weren't for all the OTHER examples of Biden's fascism you left out. Nice try, though.