Hello, I would first like to start off by saying I agree 100% that Vaccine Passports are not a good idea at all.
However, I do have one critical and important question to ask in regards to the meme. And please... don't say something general like liberals, Democrats, or the like...
Who is saying we need Vaccine Passports?
Now, in fairness, I did actually look this up myself. So, don't get all defensive but I'm actually serious. I want names. I want Tweets. I want videos. Anything you can give me. NOT Republican opinion pieces stating that such things are bad.
I already agree with you on that point.
This is what I found... the closest thing I've found is this...
Which states that the White House is vaguely assembling plans but I also found a statement by Biden saying that they'll be leaving these to the private sector.
Which isn't very promising, honestly.