I read what you said, and I get the sneaking suspicion you did too.
btw, for the nth time, I deal in FACTS, not arguments, opinions, feelz, propaganda, and other fine forms of 'reconfigured truffs' retroffited for a narrative more aligned with sci fi than reality.
We're not debating whether or not Rush's New Wave LP, Permanent Wave, was New Wave (and a sucky sellout as well) as its title slightly hinted a lot, or just Heavy Metal with synths instead of guitar that sounded like the New Wave that it was because that's what it was but their Heavy Metal fans begged to differ because New Wave sucks, maaaaaaaaaan... See? Even fanfic can't escape the truth.
- regardless if he had a cold the week before or the fake flu (which one is it? Real, or DemonKKKrat lie to get rid of QAnon crusader Donny so we can harvest fetuses for pizza? Fanfic? cool, but fiction needs consistency to remain convincing to the adult children it is aimed at) or was snacking on one too many Reese Pieces earlier that day.
In the meantime, I'mma stick with THE M.E., and try to keep it about a man getting killed, not about how it makes sad sacred Jeeyzuz de l'Orange look and his almighty butthurt feelz. He's fine golfing at his mansion. The other fella is DEAD.
Nice to see you go antithesis on me, like you told that memer the other night about him not upvoting you. Speaking of which, I refer you to what I told anti about Causality.
"Having a different opinion is not VERBOTEN."