as long as socialists don't get power-hungry, tyrannical, or whatever, a sucessful socialist state can be achieved. now, i'm not supporting dictorial communist regimes, i'm supporting socialism for what it should be. i think if socialism borrowed some ideas from democracy and capitalism, socialism could be arguably the best political ideology for economic, quality-of-living, and other circumstances. now yes, a lot of non-socialist nations claim to be socialist, and that's bad. it not only tarnishes socialism's image, but it also popularizes communism's image. i am aware of the atrocities that communism has brought to this world, and why it's bad and should not be supported. and i'm not a die-hard "this ideology will liberate the human race of all of it's troubles" supporter, bc that's kinda dumb ngl. however, socialism, if not f**ked up, can be very good for a nation's quality-of-life and economy. i'm not sure if it's actually possible to achieve true socialism, but it's worth a shot