Well again, which has already been said in multiple ways; YouTube, and the rest of social media for that matter, are not determining factors in an election.
From polls to views to crowd size; these do not determine the winner of the United States presidency.
Furthermore, social media is a global presence. So that isn’t just a national percentage of data you’re discerning. Not to mention that YT can have bots and multiple accounts skewing that data even further. Then, only after all that, can you begin to consider whom would feel more emotionally invested to upvote or downvote these videos and their reliability when compared to predicting the popularity or unpopularity of a president.
If you actually listened to liberals speak of Biden when he won and when he was finally inaugurated; they spoke endlessly of relief and a desire to get a good night’s sleep. If Biden was elected just to avoid another social media sensational president; why would they suddenly scramble to give upvotes and likes? I don’t think it’s apathy toward Biden that prevents 87% from upvoting him. I think it’s apathy of the need to upvote him.
What you should take from this isn’t that Biden is merely unpopular but rather that a great deal of Biden’s voters are not die hard supporters who cannot be reasoned with. They can. So, it would be a mistake to take an us or them position as many Republicans did during the 2012, 2016, and 2020 elections. Abandon the tribal politics. Instead, try speaking to your fellow Americans like human beings instead of alienating them for disagreeing with you. Don’t just appeal to them to merely walk away from the Democratic Party but rather get them to see why your party, candidate, or issue is better. And if they disagree; don’t scream “murderers” and “socialists”. Instead, try engaging with them and listening to them.
You don’t have to convert them. You’d be exhausted as they were after the last four years. You just have to get them to listen to you and they will only start to do that when you listen to them and find away for you both to find common ground.
I sincerely wish you luck with that.