Hmmm, Welllll phones existed before the internet so I'd just call and text instead of using social media applications. If the entire wifi and data network was shut down and my phone was basically hit by an EMP... I'd go to my girlfriend's house and make sure she was okay since I couldn't contact her and then go check on my friends. I'd probably get my license in the next few months and replace our long phone calls with driving to her house and just doing my schoolwork with her.
3 ups, 4y
Let's learn how to tie a noose, it's easy if you're not obtuse, all you need is a piece of rope and to give up all your hope
Don't you dare bring that Cursed Idea upon this land, all of my social life is here, If the internet is deleted tomorrow, Im hunting you down for cursing us all and then I will have to torture and kill you