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TheHugePig (3606265)
Joined 2020-01-23
Previous username: TheRapist.
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Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
0 ups, 6h
It pains me to say that since it’s one of my favorite games ever, but EA ruined it ever since the servers were shut down.

Not only does the EA app make it extremely hard to get running in the first place, but all achievements were tied to the online servers (even single player ones), and those were shut down so you can’t 100% this game. You can still play it all the way through, but the achievements are gone.

If you can play this on Xbox or PS4, go for it. Achievements still work on there.
free my boi it was Mr L not him in MS_memer_group
0 ups, 8h
Brian was a true hero
House centipede in MS_memer_group
0 ups, 10h
Very cute