The problem here, my friend, is we are taking a complex issue and simplifying it to a formula of "we are the best medically so we should have the least deaths."
Couple things, let's start with the best medically. We are objectively the best. No country boasts a better survival rate when it comes to terminal illnesses like cancer than we do. We have accounted for over 90% of all new medical patents for the past 2 decades. And we are the largest exporter of medical practices in the world. Should you try to make the case that it is the best but it is too expensive, then maybe we can find common ground. Even taking Covid into account, our vaccine timeline is leagues past everyone else.
So the real reason for the disparity? It is because the response to a pandemic is not uniform in the States because it is not the responsibility of the President, but rather the responsibility of the governors. As the federal government, the president can only provide support and resources to where is needed most, but the primary response is by our governors. The fact that we have 50 governors who were all elected to represent their constituents for different reasons, they have all had slightly different results. That is why you have some states that if they be ranked as their own country, then they would be ranked 196th in the world while other states if they were to be ranked, they would be 1st out of 196 countries. Yes, some people voted for the wrong guy. The problem is it isn't the one in the white house, it is the one leading an individual state.
But that point isn't even my Coup De Grace, because maybe you are still thinking facts like how our government runs isn't enough. Then consider this: Joe Biden, when he became the candidate for president, said he would have done things differently. After outlining a plan, it was shot down by his own party's lawyers as being unconstitutional (because he wanted to do things that he didn't realize a president doesn't have the power to do, like mandate masks). After some time returning to the drawing board, he presents a new plan. And wouldn't you know it, it looks a lot like what Trump has done. Which is why Kamala just laughed and couldn't even respond when Pence called her out for plagiarism of their Covid plan. Because as crappy as a politician Kamala might be, even she knows a what plagiarism is.
If you still disagree, I would be happy to entertain any rebuttal.