wha--- is touring another place something to celebrate now? Hey guys, i went to germany. am i presidential now? ya gonna vote for me?
"Designated North Korea as a terrorist state"
Like we've got any terrorists from NK to worry about. no one's even allowed to leave the place.
"ISIS lost virtually all its territory"
he also did more civilian drone strikes than obama did, but that's no biggy is it now?
"Jerusalem as Israel's capital"
ewww israel. the committer of modern war crimes and getting rewarded. this doesn't really help americans; not that much on this list that actually has been directly caused by trump has helped americans
"Passage of Tax Reform bill"
built to help the rich and keep the poor poor.
as for the stuff i didn't address such as deals and trade agreements, what's so impressive about that? most of those would've been done by a better anti-establishment president.
"List assembled by Sean Hannity"
i'm not surprised
"This list is NOT actualized! There is more!
oh goody. i can waste more time debunking trump stuff
At the time, president Trump fixed all the things Barack Hussein Obama SCREWED UP with China; and he had a great visit to North Korea! That was a BIG DEAL!
Actually, they don't. Nice fiction. I'm sure you and Tucker Carlson make up a lot of stuff to make yourselves feel better.
But its amusing how a tRUMPtard openly displays his racism with his meme, and along comes another tRUMPtard to justify it and deflect the accusation.
You are a f***ing racist. You have been ever since I joined this site.
You and your “white savoir” brethren are and have always been the racists. I’m not the one that thinks the black man must be babied to succeed, that is you. Many succeed. You want to talk about white guilt your a racist. You want to talk about expanding opportunity then maybe there’s a discussion. Prejudice exists among all people. You have a prejudice to anyone who disagrees with you. You hate them for thinking wrong and say they are Trumptards. So you are f**king prejudice Mr white savoir. F**k off racist scum.
You are a fcuking racist because you think that people of color or of non-Christian faith are inferior and deserve to be treated as such. The Nazis didn't think they were racist and the slave owners in the south didn't think they were racists....and lo and behold....those are two cultures that ALL tRUMPtards embrace and celebrate.
You are the worst kind of fcuking racist because you endeavor to normalize hatred toward black people by accusing tTHEM of being racists.
You know nothing about what I am or think. You believe that because of your brainwashing and TDS. I don’t make fun of or ridicule any Mans beliefs but I have seen more than a few atheists go on an intolerant tirade Against Christianity. None are more intolerant than Atheists and liberal twats like you. You scream about white slave owners from 250 years ago like they were here last week. You are a f**king moron who has so much more in common with the national socialist Nazi party than I do. Equality doesn’t require elevation of any one over the other nor does it imbue behavior stereotype by skin color You ducking racist.
Nobody knows anything about anyone on this site. Its built on anonymity. Are you really so stupid that you don't know that. But I do see your posts, and how you comment on them. You are a 100% verified racist and an absolute typical example of a MAGA or tRUMPtard. The lies and fake news that all you fcuking tRUMPf supporters spew is so toxic and EXACTLY in line with your Fuhrer's agenda of hate, division, racism, and DARVO. Just go into "Politics" and look at the toxic filth that they purvey. And here is Bluessol supporting and promoting it all and then complaining about the left.
You are a toxic lying racist hypocrite and I DO KNOW THAT ABOUT YOU!!!! You are a piece of shit and if there are riots the result of this SCOTUS pick or over a tRUMPf victory in November, I not only support it 100% but also hope that people like you are right in the middle of it.
Triggered much? Portland BLM go brrrrr! F**k those pussy communists and their democratic soy boy protectors. You are a f**king racist of the first degree and I 100% know that. Your hatred and fear of any white male who isn’t effiminate like you Is funny. Your white savoir belief that the black man can only be saved by you and a double espresso shot is absurd. You hate equality and America in equal measure. Your generalizations that all these people are this and all these people are that is proof of your racist views and tendency for stereotyping maybe you should look at your game girl before you start criticizing others. TRIGGER!
Oh...look at what the black hating, muslim hating, Jew hating Bluessol has to say now.
He supports the use of gun violence, the murder of peaceful protestors, as well as supporting the KKK loving authoritarian President who not only hates the same people he does, but also supports murderers and thugs who march the streets with their assault rifles.
Why do they march with their assault rifles if if they are not prepared to use them?
Well if you think Portland was something, then those fake cop-wannabes are going to have to be prepared to use those guns, but they would be foolish to think that the other side is not equally armed.
BLM>Patriot Prayer til the end.
Time to reclaim America from these anti-American, anti-Constitutional fascists. By any means necessary.
False accusations that you can’t prove just like the ones against the president. You are a total nutjob and a liar. Show me an anti Semitic comment that I have made or a racist comment against any other race. You can’t because you are a lying liberal
Socialist, you lost the argument so you threw your whole kitchen sink 😂 and cracked me up. You can’t call Burners, Looters, and Murderers peaceful protestors. At least not if you are sane. Your Marxist allies in Antifa and BLM are worthy of a beat down and they get that often I watch it on the internet. So bring your revolution because you can’t get your way. God bless patriot Prayer and the USA! F**k off Marxist scum
Holy crap you stupid mother fcuker...I have PERSONALLY seen and been a part of extremely peaceful BLM protests where literally Literally LITERALLY truck and van loads of tRUMPtard brainless MAGAs show up to start yelling, throwing things, and physically assaulting the protestors. And 9 out of 10 times, the protestors do not even retaliate because they see what a bunch of frothing fcuking madmen these azzholes are.
Some tRUMPtard just recently drove his car into a peaceful protest.
And you want me to believe that just because of a handful of violent protests, that your justification....and tRUMPf's justification, for dismissing the concerns of black people is righteous??? FCUK YOU JACKHOLE!!!!!
Simply your dismissal of the problem that exists in this country for minorities is a demonstration of how you are the worst kind of racist that the tRUMPf agenda has to offer.
You are the sludge at the bottom of the septic tank. You are a piece of shit who deserves to burn in hell.
God bless BLM and that which you call "antifa" and the United States of America. We patriotic Americans will prevail over authoritarian fascists.
The truth comes out. You are the lowest of the low a BLM / Antifa protestor in Portland. You dirty POS no wonder you are so Trump deranged, you are living your literal hate fest fantasy. Sounds like a Patriot May have kicked your latte drinking ass. You foul stinking racist vermin. You will never prevail in America, you better stay in Portland. I accuse racists of being racist it don’t matter what color you are. You think only white people are racist and that proves the very point of what a huge f**king racist you are. Blacks, Latinos, Asians are equally capable of being racists and prejudice as any white people and many are. I give no passes to racists because they aren’t white.
Typical gun-toting, billionaire supporting, Fox propaganda retard...accusing others of your fake news while supporting countless acts of violence across the US in the name of your lord tRUMPf. I told you I was part of peaceful protests that got violated by tRUMPf supporters. Go ahead and comment on that you stupid C**T.
And I never said other races couldn't be racist, but just like the barrage of fake news from conservatives, you applied an intention to me that fits with your Fox Propaganda narrative.
Congrats you Nazi piece of shit.
You have proven 100% that you and your Fuhrer only care about sewing hatred, division, violence, and racism.
tRUMPf = Death to America
Bluessol = Death to America
Lol billionaire supporting? Like Soros, Gates, Zucjerburg, Beezos, the Walton Family? Those billionaires? Oh yeah no they are supporting the leftists. I wonder what they get out of it and why don’t the left go after these billionaires who are profiting off of Covid. I WONDER WHY?
You are a salami smoker not a whistleblower. I am a man and am accountable to all my actions both public and private. Whose the one hiding from accountability? Oh you are the victim? Victim of what?
Yeah right! Thanks to all those crushed & bleached cell phones... But it doesn't matter! TRUMP/PENCE 2020; Republicans will take back the House & keep the Senate! And we'll have a couple more Associate Justices added to the SCOTUS! BONUS!! lol
Listen- Biden sucks. Many of us on the left admit that.
But imagine losing to him. Imagine how bad you have to be to lose to Joe f’in Biden. Holy Jesus.
Y’all are gonna need major anti-depressants in that kool-aid if Trump loses. It’s cool though Biden supports universal healthcare even for you Trumptards.
and a record low in the same term lmao. I don't believe the president can directly control the economy, and Trump's economy was already on a rising trend that started in the previous term. However, Trump could've prevented the stocks from falling to the point where oil stocks became negative. This is because he could've stopped travel to China and Italy when the pandemic was in its early stages. While he couldn't have prevented stocks from going inevitably down, he could've saved American businesses from shutting down by addressing the pandemic earlier. However, America's house of cards economy crutches on tourism to China, among other stupid things. I'm pretty sure that lawmakers were lobbied by airline companies to convince Trump against travel bans.
"War on Coal"
lmfao more false fear-mongering. as stupid as the war on christmas. trump magically being in office doesn't make problems disappear.
"Bids for Border wall underway"
i was promised a finished wall, not some bids. not only are we getting stupid bids for it, we're also not getting a wall. it's a f**king fence.
see this shit? a domesticated rabbit could get through it.
"5-year lobbying ban"
Cool. when's he gonna call Mitch McConnell out? This also came in effect in the first month of his presidency, meaning it's more like a 1-year lobbying ban now. good on him to prevent lobbying, but I still think he could do more.
"Worked to reduce F-35 Cost"
yay. pennies cut off of taxpayer money sent to the military industrial complex
"Created Task Force to reduce Crime"
where is this info coming from? I literally looked it up to no avail.
"Energy Independence"
does this mean no more alliances with the middle east for oil?
"signed E.O. to target drug cartels"
something that wouldn't matter so much if the War on Drugs was ended. it only exists to keep poor people poor and the economy stable.
"The Keystone Pipeline"
eyyy destroying peoples' land for an unsustainable economy. we're reaching a breaking point with oil at which it's more expensive to harvest it than sell it.
"Created commission on opioid addiction"
ya know, this guy got kicked out of CNN for mentioning that our opioid supply comes from the middle east. when's he gonna do something about that?
"Combated Human Trafficking"
but has conveniently dropped the Epstein case. oh boy, i wonder why
Its a fake list of opinions and generalities.
"Gutted Obama era regulations"????? That is an accomplishment to you you f***ing brainless Fox drone. He has ZERO accomplishments.
Holy shit. I always call you tRUMPtards brainless drones, and this is the highest proof positive.
I just quickly glance it. Its a joke. Its mostly opinions and generalizations. If it wasn't so late I'd type a list of all his crimes. Maybe another time. He is not only the worst President in history who has literally done nothing but help enlarge the wallets of rich people, but he is also the greatest enemy the US has known since King George.
What do you mean by anti-Abrahamic anyway? You throw that term around alot.
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What are you on about? There is only one definition of the word "anti-Abrahamic", is there not? I don't get what you find so difficult to understand about this simple word.